
How to perfectly install a screen protector: The Hinge Method

Installing a screen protector for your brand new smartphone can be a pain in the ass. There have been outlandish methods such as installing it in a steamed room to lessen the chances of lint as well as other methods that require feats of dexterity with your fingers to avoid bubbles. This is by far the most practical and easiest way to install the screen by yourself: the hinge method. And it’s really simple as all you’ll need is electric tape.


What the Higgs Boson means to mankind

Two years ago I attended the BEST PRESS CONFERENCE EVER. I met with the scientists of CERN, the facility that houses the Large Hadron Collider which was used to prove the existence of the Higgs Boson. While everyone else was discussing nuclear energy (in a political manner, not scientific manner, mind you — which was sad), I was the only one that posed the question about the Higgs boson, and I quote:

I got an (paraphrased) answer. “You are correct. The LHC’s primary reason for existence is for the Higgs Boson particle. It has not yet been discovered. The discovery of the Higgs doesn’t have one true value but its implications are great. It is like how the electron was discovered about 100 years ago — the advances that were made to society were immense.”

This week, the Higgs boson’s discovery seems imminent. It isn’t “discovered” in the sense, because the standard model does make the assumption that the Higgs did already exist. If it did not, that would be a fascinating blow to science. Again, the discovery itself is a huge deal. It doesn’t immediately have direct consumer application (like hover boards) but is a stepping stone into a new era of science.

The video above explains the concept of the particle as the one responsible for the meaning of mass.


WIRED Magazine – What can we do with the Higgs boson

The Guardian – How to explain the Higgs Boson discovery


PSA: MacBook Pro w/ Retina Display CANNOT BE UPGRADED. Max it out when you buy.

Here’s a quick PSA on the new retina display Macbooks. Got this from iFixit — the new MacBook Pro, apart from being the hardest portable to service will also be not upgradable in the future. If you’re planning to save money by getting a smaller SSD or RAM and wait a year to upgrade the internals, you can’t. That’s because these parts are soldered into the MacBook: the battery, the SSD (hard disk) and the RAM. Also, it appears that the display is so well integrated into the system and there’s no glass: if it breaks, you need to replace the entire MacBook.

Be sure to get some Apple Care once you acquire this amazing beauty. Just a precaution.


Windows 8 Blue Screen of Death (doesn’t look too serious)

This is the less menacing BSOD from the new Windows 8, where copies are set to retail next month.


Diablo 3 Day I Pitstop: How’s your Internet Connection?

If it’s one thing gamers will never compromise, it’s their Internet connection. The launch of Diablo III has prompted gamers around the country to scrutinize the quality of their Internet connectivity. As a fan myself, I really take these things seriously and no amount of marketing BS will convince me otherwise. The proof is in the pudding and it seems that not everyone is a chef.

This feedback is based on a number of qualitative feedback from friends and personal experience as well.

So far, it seems that Diablo 3 works fine with the following ISP’s

Smart (tethered) – I tether my MacBook with my iPhone 4s and get to play just fine. Some people prefer a fixed wireless broadband connection though.

Globe (tethered) – I get to play with Rico of (he tethers using a Samsung Galaxy S II)

PLDT – Generally good. I hopped into a number of games of friends and we’re rolling seamlessly.

On another note, one ISP stands out to be the provider to avoid for Diablo III:

Sky Broadband – Woes to Sky Broadband. They really dropped the ball on this one. I used to swear by Sky publicly as the best wired connection money can buy in the country. Service has dropped to a really poor rating in the past 2 months.

Brendan outlined it all here in a comment:

Hi there,

Many many emails to Skybroadband support center regarding Blizzard downloader P2P issues and unplayable in game experience with Diablo 3 (may be DNS, but may be that they have restricted Port 1119, which Diablo 3 uses) – to no avail.

Sky simply does not respond to queries and when you call them they tell you to send an email through to support center. Its a vicious circle.

Playing it on my friends PLDT connection works perfectly.

After 2 years with Sky, seems like PLDT really is the way to go.

– Brendan

As my cousin said, ” Pre-term fee for Sky is PHP 2,000.00, Diablo 3 is priceless. If it doesn’t work at 3Mbps, I’m dropping them for (insert ISP here).” Sorry Sky Broadband. I swore by your services. I really did. But sad gamer can’t compromise.

You know what’s most interesting? My wireless tethering is faster than my ethernet connection. Why, Sky, why? Note that I write this not to smear Sky’s reputation but 2 months of your IT support not knowing what the problem is makes for really bad service. Fans have waited for Diablo III for about a decade and we absolutely need to be online to play this (there is no offline mode). So you definitely should understand why gamers feel really bad about this and need to switch. We waited 9 years for Diablo III. We absolutely can’t wait for you.

To the others: how’s your gaming experience? Add me up: LOLMOWER#1648