
Also got my dog tag and Starcraft II shirt.
You will need an Internet connection to install and authenticate Starcraft II. So for those living in the Paranaque area today, Skycable is undergoing a plant maintenance and thus all Internet and cable is down. I managed to connect to the Internet by turning my Samsung Galaxy S into a WiFi hotspot using the Mobile AP settings. Yay!
I’m installing Wings of Liberty for both the Mac and PC. While the install is happening, you will be required to sign up or login to a account and link the game with your ID. Just like Steam, you can also opt to download the client in case you lose the DVD.
Oh the box comes with 2 guest passes for Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty. Anyone want them? First two to comment, I can give you the keys and please do install the game and add me up on It also comes with 2 free keys to 10 days of WoW. Well if anyone wants that …