Installing a screen protector for your brand new smartphone can be a pain in the ass. There have been outlandish methods such as installing it in a steamed room to lessen the chances of lint as well as other methods that require feats of dexterity with your fingers to avoid bubbles. This is by far the most practical and easiest way to install the screen by yourself: the hinge method. And it’s really simple as all you’ll need is electric tape.
Tag: tips

If you’re on Windows and want to run your presentation immediately from the desktop file (avoiding the editing interface showing off your slides) then all you need to do is right click the file and select “show.”
Also, renaming the file to PPS will immediately start the presentation when you double click it.

Take note: this period starts from the day after Thanksgiving which has been coined as ‘Black Friday’ in the USA which symbolically marks the start of the holidays. This is the time of the year when stores offer insane discounts and as the all0around geek that I am I frequent three sites: Board Game Geek, Amazon (doh!) and the digital PC gaming store called Steam.


Kiven just announced the opening of ROHAN CLOSED BETA Philippines. I’ve been curious with this particular game franchise as a good number of people have been talking about it – all MMO games are a dime a dozen, especially the ones we franchise into the Philippines. But ROHAN seems to stand out mainly because it is an A+ grade game that’s completely free to play.
Another thing ROHAN permeates into its system is a phenomenon that was actually frowned upon by the industry – although the game is free to play, there is an option to SELL your character once you’ve achieved a desirable level! Hmm another intriguing way to make money online if you aren’t into the blogging or online store gig. In the past, avatar sales from RAN Online and Ragnarok have raked in five digit figures in pesos. Level Up was quick to recognize that this is indeed a lucrative business model – don’t ban it. Encourage it.
You can download the game via FTP or via Torrent (as seen above).