Mostly Everything

Datablitz, X-Play issue more conflicting statements regarding the CIDG raid. Who is correct?

Previously… 1. Statement of XPLAY regarding the Datablitz raid 2. Datablitz responds to the raid ————— Hello again. Yesterday, representatives of XPLAY held an intimate round table dinner to some of the media to further explain the recent raid of Datablitz. I was not there at the dinner as it was scheduled rather last minute. […]

Mostly Everything

10 Board Games set in the Philippines

I’m a huge fan of board games. Some of you may already know this as I tend to write about some of my favorites once in a while. All of these games are imports from the US which I either order online and have friends bring home or grab from one of the many branches […]

Mostly Everything

SKADOOSH! Kung Fu Panda 2 Viral with Jack Black

One of the most creative viral videos I’ve seen that partnered with YouTube. It’s quite similar to the Nintendo Wii viral campaign for Wario Land a many many months ago. Watch and follow the instructions!

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Geek Orgasm Trifecta: Sandy Bridge. Portal 2. Sixense Motion Sticks

Sandy Bridge. Portal 2. Sixense motion controllers. Several months ago, a friend showed me some benchmark tests for the new Sandy Bridge video cards. You see, about two years ago, desktops — and even laptops would be equipped with what I would call “poor excuses” for video cards. They sucked. And this would always require […]

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2009: A Year of Diving and Underwater Videos

My underwater sojourn