Mostly Everything

Update 3: Glorietta ‘Bombing’ photos taken by from bloggers

More than the INQUIRER breaking news page, “Disney” has been getting a lot of traffic over at his Multiply site for the photos he took of the bombing this morning at the Ayala Glorietta malls. I was actually nearby when this happened, attending a press conference for the new line of SHARP TV’s with Yuga. After leaving the Shangri-la, I saw crowds of people making an exodus towards the bus stops.

I decided to walk and wait the traffic out. I was also carrying this with me and silly, should have taken pictures too.

According to “Disney”,

Yup nasa parking ako nito pero when it happened I was like 40m away lang inside the mall….I have to walk around outside glorietta just to go back to park square 2. Yung walkway from G2 to Park Square 2 dapat yung daan ko (Yes I was at the parking lot, but about 40 meters away when it happened inside the mall. I had to walk outside Glorietta to get back to Park Square 2. I was supposed to take the walkway from the G2 to PS2.)

Tragic day for the country today. I hope this doesn’t scare investors off. Truth is, stuff like this DOESN’T HAPPEN ANYMORE.

Razon said: “From our assessment this is not what was initially reported as LPG [liquefied petroleum gas].”

“This was a bomb. But beyond that we can’t say anything else yet because we are still investigating. What I can say is it was not LPG that caused this.”

Director Geary Barias, chief of the National Capital Region Police Office, said they have yet to determine whether the explosion was caused by a grenade or an improvised explosive device and ” are not discounting anything,” including the possibility that the explosion was a terrorist attack.

There are 8 dead and 80 more wounded. Other bloggers are retelling their stories from the 11/19 incident. Bernie Janda writes and posts photos:

I usually park my car at Park Square 2 on Fridays because it is convenient for me to wait out my “coding” hours in the Mall. After lunch, we received word that there’s an explosion in Glorieta and as details poured in from various sources, I was aghast to learn that the explosion happened *literally* under my car! So after office, I dashed to Park Square 2 and I’m relieved that my car is safe…

Manolo Quezon has a list of bloggers who covered this tragic event. He exposes the chronicles of bloggers who were witness to the event, who are doctors at the hospitals, and the families who were affected by the bomb this afternoon.

Salve Duplito of Money Smarts talks about being prepared for the unexpected.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

4 replies on “Update 3: Glorietta ‘Bombing’ photos taken by from bloggers”

Gawa ito ng mga kuno ay MAKABAYAN.Mga taong tamad at walang alam gawin kungdi ang manggulo sa katahimikan ng bayan.Why Glorietta? Kasi yan ang tambayan ng mga konyo at sossy ng bayan.what an advantage for the anti Arroyo Govt.palalabasin nila na si Ate Glo na naman ang may utos para iligaw ang lagayan system sa gobyerno.Kawawang Ate Glo no matter how hard she tries to run the state people will always block her way in meeting the finish line.No way she can finish the race.Sometimes I wish that those who redicule and lambast her on papers will be given just a week or even a day to run the country for them to realize that being a president is not just as easy as what most people’s not just brilliance, popularity, charisma, right connections nor right education to be a good president.Patience, compassion…qualities are just endless to mention. others must be dreaming that it’s just like shouting…makibaka or makabayan that we can solve state’s dilemma.instead of doing non-sense yellings on the street why not work hard so you can put food on the table than complaining there’s no food where in fact there i believe what the Spaniards say about “majority” of the filipinos are “Lazy” because it’s true.

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