Mostly Everything

Toblerone Thank You Day at the iMAX video!





Amidst the tragic series of events that occurred last Friday, the Philippines continues to celebrate her freedom. The Mall of Asia iMAX parking lot was well attended yesterday, as October 20 2007 was marked as THANK YOU DAY PHILIPPINES. In this video, Bianca Gonzalez starts the countdown to the lauching of “Toblerone triangles” as the crowd inverts their umbrellas to catch them. Wild!

You can download the exclusive footage in Quicktime format. Or if you wish to stream it which I highly recommend, please proceed to my Vimeo page. On a technical note, I was wondering if there are other ways to embed HD-format videos onto your site. This video was shot at 1280×720 wide at second to highest quality using the V1253.

On stage with some of the bloggers were Bianca Gonzalez, Mo Twister and Luis Manzano. Bands that played included Mozzie, Reggae Mistress, Hale, Cynthia Alexander, Stone Free, Salindiwa, and of course The Dawn.

A number of bloggers helped out in the online viral campaign for Toblerone Thank You Day. We were in no way paid in cash nor in kind to do this and this came out of our own desire and love for chocolate. 🙂

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

8 replies on “Toblerone Thank You Day at the iMAX video!”

hello!! so sorry i keep forgetting! jayvee, jayvee, jayvee.. i will try to remember it! hahahaha. and oh! my last name is spelled with a ‘z’, not as ‘s’, as in gonzalez! haha. thank you!!

It wasn’t really the bloggers’ “desire and love for chocolate.” Chocolate or no chocolate, the online community would still have helped out. It was, hands down, a good cause.

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