Mostly Everything

The Jayvee and Katie Show – “What’s your angle?”

In this episode, Kate and I talk about the Friendster profile angles phenomenon, put on a small demo, and give some tips on how to take better profile shots. For a higher quality download of the show, proceed here.

We’re giving out prizes too! There are two contests with prizes up for grabs. Kate is giving away lady stuff and I’m giving away two Timbuk2 rugged iPod cases. Though the contest is open to everyone, we can only ship prizes within Metro Manila. You can send your photo entries to me at jayveefernandez dot com or leave comments for the “camera-happy” terminology.

I apologize in advance for some editing issues. This is my first attempt to do editing using an extract audio feature to display photos over running sound.

UPDATE: Olive Castillo of RockEd has discussed a similar topic, identifying the guidelines to taking “friendster shots.”

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

14 replies on “The Jayvee and Katie Show – “What’s your angle?””

LOL. Those angle shots make me laugh too. I actually feel embarrassed when I catch a girl take a shot of herself that way. Bakit kse kelangan iangat pa ng ganun kataas ang kamay? Haha

Strange, but there are Jobstreet applicants who use their “angled shots” as profile photos. =/

Fun post guys. I was giggling the entire time. I’m totally guilty of being a right angle poser -minus the Kate pout and raising of the hand though 😉 and hate being photographed from below. I will try a right-angled,turtle next 😛

I think it’s called trick-cutie, or trick hottie. If not, can that be my entry?? ;-P I’ll think of more over dinner. 😛 Para more chances of winning…

I forgot to tell Jayvee, but I’m giving one L’Oreal lipstick to the female winner. 🙂

No wait! I’m giving a gift pack to the female winner. 🙂 It contains one L’Oreal lipstick, and some Guerlain samplers. 🙂

Hala! THE joni?? Who put you up to that? Para kilala ko na kung sino. Haha! Wag ka papaniwala dun. 😛

Sa totoo lang, THE JAYVEE FERNANDEZ, subscribed ako sa feeds mo, isa na ko sa fans club mo. Pero second time ko pa lang mag-comment. ahehehe.

Nice MAC, BTW! astig! grabe. congrats!

Hi Jayvee, this is really funny! Totally agree with you guys. Never thought people will talk about how to get their “Best Angle”.. thought it’s just a suggestion you (and even I) can give to your friends verbally on how to have a better shot:)..Cheers…

Hey Jayvee! This is a crazy coz it’s so true! Friendster has created that angle shot pic so pouplar! Haha!

Okay here’s my winning answer (yeah i know!): Friendstangle

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