Mostly Everything

SPONSORED: Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Impressions

Samsung is all geared up for the Samsung Galaxy Note II. For those who have been on the gadget front lines, vehemently deciding between a Samsung Galaxy SIII, an iPhone 5 or this new Note II, we can understand how tough this choice can be. For one thing, between the Note II and the S […]

Mostly Everything

How To: Respec (reset all skill points) in Torchlight II

If you aren’t playing Torchlight II, you absolutely must. Two things that make it absolutely more fun than Diablo III are: apart from online and single player mode, the game allows you to play via LAN which brings back the good old days of multiplayer gaming – six characters can play via a local network […]

Mostly Everything

This is an awesome 16-bit forest scene animated GIF

Happy Friday! This is a 16-bit animated GIF (found in the recesses of the Internet — IMGUR to be more specific) of a forest scene. It’s oddly calming. Now all it needs are ambient sounds which you can find by checking out a short tutorial we made for a rainy ambient background.

Mostly Everything

SMART WiFi Plug-it: Plugged in at home and inside your car

OK folks, commercial time! Of all of SMART’s ‘Bro’ line products which includes the ‘Rocket’ and ‘Pocket’ series (the main difference being the ‘Rocket’ line is capable of 12 mbps speeds) none is more peculiar than the Pocket WiFi product. This is because it comes in two variants — the regular USB plug which slides […]

Mostly Everything

Admiration for the Amazon Kindle

I have never been this enamored with product packaging since the MacBook, but people do tell me that Amazon really does amazing things with their Kindle hardware line. I’ve never owned one before, till now. This was given to me as a token for speaking in the recent PRSP Congress (everyone agrees that this 2012 […]