Mostly Everything

Admiration for the Amazon Kindle

I have never been this enamored with product packaging since the MacBook, but people do tell me that Amazon really does amazing things with their Kindle hardware line. I’ve never owned one before, till now. This was given to me as a token for speaking in the recent PRSP Congress (everyone agrees that this 2012 PR Congress was something else!). Before the Kindle, I had a Sony eReader and I have to admit although these two ebook readers do the same thing, there’s something about the Kindle that just makes books more appealing to read. No more used textbooks that pile up in the library.

The Amazon Kindle isn’t expensive. It’s not meant to be as Amazon’s business model is to make money out of the content you buy for your devices and not for the hardware itself. In fact this entry level model only costs USD $69.00 (I have the most basic model — it is the ad-supported Kindle that isn’t paperwhite).

Although my bookworm days have been stunted because of “real life” I’ve picked up on the audiobook craze with Audible which Amazon also owns. Sadly, the entry level Kindle doesn’t support syncing with Audible as it doesn’t come with speakers. Nonetheless, this is probably the best token I’ve ever received as a speaker because it’s inexpensive yet not very easy to acquire as the Kindle isn’t widespread in the Philippines. Does anyone know where to buy accessories locally like a case / reading light?

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

2 replies on “Admiration for the Amazon Kindle”

Kindle <3

Hmm, hard to find a case here, unfortunately. Bought mine in Amazon along with the Kindle.

Reading lights, maybe you can find one in True Value 🙂

Maybe you can try multiply for the case, lots of hidden treasures there 😀

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