Mostly Everything

PhilMUG 2008 Christmas Party Photo Overload!

In the tradition of PhilMUG Christmas parties, there are always more prizes to be raffled than guests! Everyone went home with something – alongside TuneCard gifts, iCreate magazines and Crumpler mini matches and Loo Rolls! I raffled off five Defactory pouches (made to fit an iPod) and a BodyGuardz iPod touch protector.

A huge thanks to Charlie Paw who also just opened Digital Walker Zoom in Greenbelt 5. The current best seller is the Panasonic Lumix LX3 which retails for about P25,000.00 with accessories!

Here’s a chronological timeline of the photos from preparation to party, after the break! Click to enlarge!

Mostly Everything

Red Ribbon’s Coffee Walnut Bavarian Holiday Cake Tasting

Wow, doesn’t it look good? If you want to be the first to taste this, you can head on over to this sign up sheet and join us.

UPDATE: We have more than 40 sign ups since the weekend. It’s gonna be loads of fun!

Date: December 10 2008
Time: 7:00 PM
Venue: Red Ribbon Libis (near the overpass)

Although this is open to friends from the entire local Internet community (yes, that’s you!), I’d like to mention that as BlogBank, it’s been a while since we’ve met up with our publishers and this is also going to be a good opportunity to catch up on things and eat great cake. We had a lot of transitioning to do in terms of the recent server migration for ads (and yes, we’re back up again with three campaigns running). Also, since we’ll be issuing payments soon, I’d also like to talk to everyone about how we’re going to be doing this in a sophisticated manner – we’re going to talk to you about blog ad networks and how we work with Philippine government taxation. So yes, everyone is invited!

It should be interesting and fun – I mean, who can resist cake? 🙂

Mostly Everything

Samsung Pixon M8800 Photos and Review

This review begins with a short story involving a small, nonchalant “reunion” of myself, Lorraine Javalera from Samsung Mobile and MJ Cordova who does their PR. After the media was toured through the new features and specs of the M8800 Pixon camera phone, I was able to do some catching up with both girls — Lorraine, whom I see at these events and MJ whom I’ve known since college.

Raine had a working Pixon on her and I wanted to take some photos. After she handed it to me, she got a phone call and had to run off to do, well … some product manager stuff so I was left alone with the unit. “Keep this first, I’ll catch up with you later!” were her parting words.

So there I was, probably the only guest at the event with a working Pixon. I had two choices – run out the event door, change my name and start a new life with the new Samsung M8800 … or take product shots. I chose the latter. Click. Click. Click. Initial photos after the jump.

Mostly Everything

Left 4 Dead: Rally for Philippine Steam community

I’m slowly becoming a convert to huge digital downloads. I wasn’t a big fan of torrents because of my relatively slow connection but the recent news that Left 4 Dead might not be available on retail for the PC in Datablitz (it might be available elsewhere) made me shell out cash instead for a digital copy through Steam. It took me about 36 hours to download, but it was well worth it. I’m able to backup games as well onto a portable hard drive in case I reformat.

L4D is THE game that brings together a montage of the best of zombie horror flicks, reminiscent from the fast “infected” zombies of 28 Days Later. And I’ve been playing. A lot.

What makes buying games off Steam more interesting is that I get to interact with old high school friends from the US who aren’t into the Facebook craze. Steam is fantastic – a digital download mechanism for games that incorporates its own “social networking” and copyright protection.

it works pretty much the way a social network would – every profile lists the games purchased, what game they are currently playing, how many hours clocked in and you can even invite friends into your current game lobby. Steam also has an integrated VoIP solution, a must have for most Source engine powered games like Half Life, Counter Strike, Left 4 Dead and Team Fortress 2.

Anyone else playing Left 4 Dead or Team Fortress 2 from the Philippines? Add me up — the zombie apocalypse is more fun with friends!! My SteamID is “The Lolmower Man” and you can find my profile at

P.S. I can run Steam on my Mac using Crossover. Hah! (See screenshot)

Mostly Everything

Leo Laporte reads The True Story of the Little Golden Hood for Audible

There’s more to this audio book that meets the ear. The one and only reason why I recommend this free audio book is because it is read by TWiT founder and radio personality Leo Laporte! If you’re an avid TWiT Netcast listener, Leo would occasionally mention that he’s working on something with the guys from Audible and I guess this is the first of many readings. My verdict? Even though the book is only 9 minutes long, Leo brings a familiar and engaging listen through and since it is a FREE download, you can’t go wrong!

Leo Laporte does a fantastic job reading this engaging classic childrens tale. Long has he wow’ed us all with his NetCasts via the TWiT network, now we get to enjoy the limitless qualities of his hypnotic voice with Audible. Here’s hoping that this is the first of many top-quality audio-books from Leo, and here’s to a never-ending extension to the relationship between Audible and TWiT. [wiredkiwi]

If you’re an Audible subscriber, the member price slash is down to USD $ 0.00 – maybe part of their Black Friday sale.