Mostly Everything

Red Box Blogger Christmas Parteh 12.18.07

Markku and Ely

So we managed to find a sponsor for a blog party. Been sending out text messages to people to attend but for some reasons SMART has been screwy and not everyone has been getting messages. No need to RSVP – just show up and bring your cameras if you want to catch everyone on non-bloggable alcohol + videoke fun!

We would like to thank Noemi Dado for raffling off a hosting plan and Regnard Raquedan for raffling off The Princess Bride and Veronica Mars DVDs!! Congratulations to AJ and Juned for winning the DVDs and to Poyt for the hosting!

What: Pinoy Blogger Christmas Talent Night!!!
When: Tuesday December 18 2007 7:00 PM to 12 midnight
Where: Joey Room, Red Box Greenbelt 3 Makati
W00t: Free flowing beer and select cocktails

The room fits about 25 people but if it gets full we can always hang around the place – we assume that people will be coming and going, so its all good. There’s also a balcony for smokers. If you want to catch the buffet, please be there at 7:00 roundabouts. There will also be free flowing BEER and select cocktails. So get your singing voices warmed up and let’s get talent night started this Tuesday! 🙂

A big big thanks to Red Box Greenbelt 3 for sponsoring!

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

30 replies on “Red Box Blogger Christmas Parteh 12.18.07”

[…] Jayvee, the man behind Blog and Soul again managed to find a sponsor for a blog party. It’s your time to know people behind the blogs you visit everyday and of course to socialize with them. Free Food + Free non-bloggable alcohol + Free Videoke !!! Want more details? […]

of course. see you tuesday!

the room will not fit the total number of bloggers. definitely not. we’re assuming people will be coming in and going out. its the biggest room we can get considering that december is hell month for these kinds of establishments when it comes to reservations.

Sorry for not letting go of the mic for the whole night. I promise not to sing more than two songs (if there is a next time).

Nice meeting you, by the way. Thanks for the par-tey! 😀

guys! we all had fun! thanks to noemi and regnard for the raffles – we gave them out to the last men / women standing towards the end of the night 🙂

[…] Red Box Blogger Christmas Parteh (or the Pinoy Blogger Christmas Talent Night) – as if bloggers haven’t had enough of parties just yet, here comes the last blog event of the year and, perhaps, the loudest as bloggers share their singing talent at Red Box Greenbelt 3 last December 18. Oh yeah, M.I.A. again for me (I’ve been M.I.A. in other blog events as well, but I kinda regret missing this. I don’t sing but, well…just because). […]

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