Do you also write for print?

In the Philippines, a number of bloggers I know have begun contribution stints for magazines because of their blogs. In the same light, a number of contributing writers for print have also begun writing blogs.

Here are some of the publications I have written for in the past. I currently write for some of these till today:

Mobile Philippines
PC Magazine Philippines
GAME! Magazine
CHALK Magazine (umm long story!)
Rogue Magazine
MANUAL Magazine
EPSON Vision Corporate Magazine
CANON Images Corporate Magazine

Do you also write for print publications? If so, which ones are they? Do they allow you to place your author bi-line with your blog address?

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

5 replies on “Do you also write for print?”

Mobile Philippines and Game! Magazine 🙂
Haven’t thought of putting my blog address along with the bi-line, but I guess it depends on the magazine layout too

I write for our school paper… LOL! 😀 Anyway, they simply put my name on the byline and errr… sometimes they fail to do so like on the current issue of our school paper. They failed to put my name on the byline.

For me,no ar!
Sharing feeling on blog …… more important …….

TO be printed,Writting blog →→→ become →→→→ a business !……

Not very good …….

Thx for sharing!★☆★☆★

Well, for manila bulletin, they allow you to put your email address or your web address together with the comic strip… i just don’t. i want to maintain a separate readership in print and in blog

i did a simple photoshoot once for a series of magazines. the company had no budget so in return i just told them to place my blog address on the articles published.

when it finally came out, the editor omitted it! grr

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