Mostly Everything

If you only had one more blog post before you died…?

Very similar to “if you only had one more day to live, what would you do with it?”

So kids, what would it be? If you knew that you only had one day to live, would you even bother posting one last entry onto your blog? When we refer to “blog” I’d assume this would be your personal blog. Your flagship blog. The one with the most sentimental value.

I’d really love to hear some conversation here so I tell you what – leave a comment with the answer to this question. I’ll keep re-editing the post with your reply and a link to your blog.

Here’s my answer:

I don’t know. 🙂

Okay okay. Mine may be pretty boring. But here are what the others have to say:

Juned would compose his own eulegy:

Here is my last post
Dear Reader, I do not boast
By tomorrow I would have croaked
Thanks for reading all the posts and this last note
But I have to go to the boat
And enjoy life on Earth for a little while till I give up the ghost

Noemi would base her post on her personal life experiences:

I’m excited to see eternal life and get reunited with my son in heaven. I’d probably include a snippet dedicated to my family . I believe that our life here on earth is temporary so my last post shouldn’t be a big deal.

Jozzua said: I’d probably just saw a whole lot of pictures depicting my life and the people I cared about and probably have background music… “There are places I remember.” You know, that Beatles song.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

13 replies on “If you only had one more blog post before you died…?”

I think I’ve died a thousand times…near deaths and everything. So death is just part of life. My last blog post would probably be : I’m excited to see eternal life and get reunited with my son in heaven. I’d probably include a snippet dedicated to my family . I believe that our life here on earth is temporary so my last post shouldn’t be a big deal.

Here is my last post
Dear Reader, I do not boast
By tomorrow I would have croaked
Thanks for reading all the posts and this last note
But I have to go to the boat
And enjoy life on Earth for a little while till I give up the ghost 🙂

I will probably look back to the past and reminisce every sweet memory and post an article summarizing every sweet things that happened in my whole life.

This is what I would say:

Today I breathe my last…
Farewell, I am going to be completely happy now with my creator.

And then I’m going to place all my goofy pictures so my reader will laugh instead of cry.

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