10 Sure-fire “In Your Face Headlines” That *Might* Work

Inspired by Copyblogger’s Top 10 Tips and his follow up Seven More Tips to create sure fire headlines, here are ten in-your face headlines that may spell the difference between your next product crash or sales boom!

Use at your own risk.

1. God told me in a dream that you should [insert viral campaign here]

2. Holy [insert curse word from urban dictionary]! Why haven’t you?

3. If your [insert name of highly endeared deceased relative] were alive, he really would have wanted you to [insert thing you’ve been putting off for some time now]

4. I’ll bet my [name of my cute dog] that I can [insert multiplier here] your [insert investment here] in [insert X number of days / weeks/ months here]!

5. Remember the last guy? He was able to [insert act which you have huge doubts about] because he believed in himself!

6. If [insert name of childhood inferiority complex source] was able to do it, then you should be able to do it way better now!

7. [insert number greater than five] years ago it wouldn’t have been possible but thanks to the miracle of science, you can now [insert best product feature here]!

8. Not that I want your money, but it would be a bigger loss on your part if you didn’t [insert purchase that you have very big second thoughts about].

9. I know you. Deep inside you’re really thinking if [insert item that MAY look like a product scam] can change the way you see yourself.

10. If you can afford a [insert appropriate prefix]burger, you can surely afford this, buddy.

Example: If you can afford a cheeseburger, you can surely afford this, buddy.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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