Mostly Everything

Will the iPhone kill Windows Mobile?

Kevin Rose got his juice squeezed out of Alex Albrecht in the Diggnation podcast about the iPhone. SO it’s official, the iPhone has been leaked? Here are the pertinent details that were squeezed out of him:

  • It will come in two models, a 4GB flash and 8GB flash for $249 and $449 respectively
  • It will have a slide out keyboard and touch screen UI
  • It will have one charger but two sets of batteries – one for music and one for the phone (hmmm so you can listen to music the whole day without having to worry about your phone draining)
  • It will be small and have a “miniaturized” version of OS X
  • It will support CDMA, GSM and TDMA
  • It is coming in January
  • So if Windows Mobile 5 is for the discerning PC fanatic, then the iPhone goes for Mac users? Based on these specs (obviously not the complete list), the iPhone can actually make several users switch from Windows Mobile and Palm to this little gadget.

    By Jayvee Fernandez

    Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

    He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

    One reply on “Will the iPhone kill Windows Mobile?”

    “I feel a little sorry for those poor 8GB iPhone 3GS units that will be on display next to the iPhone 4 in Apple Stores around the world.” But I know many people wants to have iPhone even the first addition so this offer will be good for them ..

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