Mostly Everything

Wireless in Camp John Hay Manor and other thoughts

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It’s past midnight and I’m catching up on lost emails. I’m currently blogging from the manor of John Hay in Baguio, where the entire area is a wireless hotspot. I’m here for a three day planning session for our company’s 2006-2007 strategies.

Since everyone is asleep i decided to sneak out and do some catching up with the online world. Though I was prepared for the worst case scenario – not having Internet for three days – and scheduling more than three days worth of content on all my blogs, having Internet has allowed me to do … well … some more blogging.

Have I become a blog addict? No, well not really. I’ve been posting a lot more often compared to the past few months. Most of it has to do with investing posts on this blog which will later on return in financial rewards. A lot of professional do this, and it takes precedence over quality content.

A good friend recently told me that my content quality went down. What does this mean? It could simply mean that (a) i don’t write long and thought provoking posts anymore compared to before, (b) I have nothing to say really, so might as well say whatever, or (c) content quality is subjective.

Nonetheless, there is a point in what he’s saying. A lot of bloggers post daily because they have to, knowing the long term financial benefits. Are they willing to sacrifice quantity over quality given the time they need to invest to create a really good post?

Not really, I would say. After all, this is a personal blog. I’d rather take a look at the best case scenario: blogging every day AND producing quality content is a good goal to have. There really is no other way to go but up!

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

4 replies on “Wireless in Camp John Hay Manor and other thoughts”

True… its not like ur doing an editorial or an advertorial. Duh?!?? This is a BLOG!

Can u talk more about airing your thoughts online to totally commercializing blogsites?


I believe your content quality is even better now ever since I came across your blog a month ago.Well that’s because I haven’t read your archives. Just enjoy blogging 🙂

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