Mostly Everything

3rd blogger meetup

UPDATE: I’m getting an overwhelming response from many parties. This by itself is already a good thing for Globe. Dinner cancelled. Just kidding! I’m trying to grab more slots to accomodate a lot more people. I hope you guys understand that this is not my event. I will try my best though. I will update you all over the weekend.

I was contacted by the senior brand manager of Globe Innove to help organize a short evening meet and greet for bloggers to try out the milieux of services offered by Innove, namely the wireless Internet capabilities deployed throughout the Metro as well as the provinces.

The objective of Innove is really to ride on the viral nature of blogging (i.e. The Mike Abundo Effect) in the Philippines by asking high traffic bloggers and pseudo-celebrity-status bloggers create buzz about their services, god or bad. Well, there isn’t much negative spin you can generate with Innove’s services, especially in the Metro, so good for them.

Since this event isn’t organized by me, I was given a slot limit for the evening. I already have about five people who are interested to join. Send me a comment if you’re interested. Note that to give Globe a bang for their buck, it would be preferable if your site has a relatively huge reach.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

18 replies on “3rd blogger meetup”

Interested! 🙂 Hope my reach is wide enough. But sometimes, it’s not the reach that matters, but the punch (take Manny Pacquiao, for instance). 😛


hi guys! im compiling the list of people. im not sure i can accomodate everyone — its not my party, as i said. some slots were also given to abe’s people from PTB so im gonna compile that over the weekend.

for those who will miss the cut, we can always hang out in the next meet. we plan to have one often, na tayo-tayo lang 🙂

[…] Hey look, I’m an Apostle of Globe Innove. Since Markku is going (which means, I’ll know somebody there aside from Abe), I’m in as well. Besides, who’d pass up the chance of free food and be called a “high-traffic blogger“? Flattery is one thing, feeding is another. And if you have both, you have one happy blogger 😀 […]

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