Mostly Everything

Highlights: Interview with Zeddie Little AKA Ridiculously Photogenic Guy

Latest Internet meme sensation Ridiculously Photogenic Guy aka “Zeddie Little” (photogenicguy) is doing an IAmA on Reddit. For those unfamiliar with IAmA, it is abbreviation for “I am A” and is a cue to open the floodgates of the Internet to ask him anything. He’s currently the number one post on the front page. Here are some highlights.

Q: Are you prepared for the title “Sexiest Man Alive 2012” by the People magazine? – endrehelg
A: Haha! I’m pretty sure I’m miles away from even being a contender, nor would I ever expect it.

Q: What is your hair-care regimen? – sirsasana
A: Oh man, I kinda saw this one coming, haha. Just shampoo, maybe conditioner, no particular brand or whatever. Its really thin so I just use wax/pomade from Keihl’s (product placement?). And once in a while go to a cool barber called Freeman’s.

Q: How do you view your famous picture? Normally most people doesn’t like their own photos, would you say ” yep. That’s definitely a ridicoulous good photo”. I’m really interested how you like your picture 🙂 – justdgl_therealone
A: Regardless of who the subject is, Will King took a great photo. I’ve told Will, the photographer, that as well.

Q: What was your time for the marathon? – jr98664
A: The run was a 10K, I’ve yet to run a marathon, though. My chip time was 47:16 I believe.

Q: What’s your favorite meme of yourself? – greywarden
A: It got to a point where it felt weird looking at a billion pics of mysef, so I might have missed out on any recent ones within the past week or so.
There are a ton of great ones. Off the top of my head, I like the “Record Milk Sales” one, the creepy Wolverine one and definitely the RPG photoshopped into the North By Northwest airplane scene.

Q: What has been your friend’s/family’s reaction to all this? did you know of memes before you became an internet sensation? – powermad47
A: They love it. My dad was so proud he would have given away my complete biography, complete with SSN to a journalist until I had to ask him to dial it back a little bit, haha.
Yeah, I’ve always found memes funny, but never, ever though I’d BECOME one. Bizarre.

Q: How did you first react when you found out you picture went viral? How has it affected your life? – Polite_Canadian_Girl
A: I got a call from Redditor friends about 4 hours after the images was initially posted on the internet. They were saying I was number one on Reddit, and gave no explanation, so I assumed whatever it was was really bad, but I was racking my brain as to what it could have been.
When I finally saw the photo I laughed for about an hour. It was just surreal. It’s still surreal.

Full IAmA here.


Download the “It’s More Fun In the Philippines” Android App

Developed by Lester Bambico, Android users can now create their own “It’s More Fun In the Philippines” meme with this easy to use Android app. It’s free!

[DOWNLOAD HERE] or do a search for “It’s more fun in the Philippines” on the Android marketplace.

More details and screenshots after the jump.

Mostly Everything

How to make your own “It’s More Fun in the Philippines” Meme

Hot Air Balloon Festival, Clark Pampanga (Every February of the year)

UPDATE VI: The DOT linked back to my tutorial from their official website!

UPDATE V: Lester Bambico has programmed and uploaded an “It’s More Fun” app into the Android Marketplace. More details here (with screenshots!)

UPDATE IV: Looks like some of my work is featured in SPOT.PH. Three of them. Including the tutorial.

UPDATE III: Someone made a DOT Philippines now has an official “More Fun” maker over the weekend. You can visit the site at It allows you to upload a photo, add a caption and choose whether to place it on top or at the bottom of the image. If you’re not comfortable using Photoshop or any other photo editing tool, this is the easiest way to get your “More Fun” meme out!

UPDATE II: The amazing Arnold Gamboa (@arnoldgamboa on Twitter) used his coding skills to build a living Twitter wall where you can view the crowd-made “It’s More Fun in the Philippines” photos. Nice one! The site is: To be included here, all you need to do is Tweet your photo + include the hashtag. The site grabs photos every 5 minutes.

UPDATE: Added an extra step to focus on SEO for image search and added more examples below. Enjoy!

It’s More Fun in the Philippines. You know the new DOT online campaign works because it really gets netizens involved. Most are using the hashtag (#ItsMoreFunInThePhilippines) but others are getting their creative juices flowing and making their own DOT-inspired images based on their personal experiences around the 7,000++ islands.

Now I’m pretty sure BBDO Guerrero will provide an easy to use web tool where anyone can upload photos and add text from the new It’s More Fun in the Philippines site. But in the meantime, here’s one way you can create your own “Philipp-FUN” memes.

Are you ready? Let’s go!

Mostly Everything

Dear Internet: The Atty. Topacio Meme

So a number of people were rather “disturbed” by the screen grab of Atty. Topacio’s interview. The portait sitting above him was one of Adolf Hitler. Does having a portrait of someone nailed to the wall behind you really mean that much?


Dear Internet, presenting the Topacio Meme:

Mostly Everything

Do you own an iPhone?!?!?!! Do you!??!!


So yeah, stop it already!!
