Mostly Everything

Just Bought: Canon Speedlite 580EX

You know I would really like to thank all my photographer friends who have been encouraging me to shoot more and more – and thus invest a little bit more into this hobby. To mind come friends like Elber, Anton, Jed and Markku.

And so yesterday I got myself a Canon Speedlite 580EX from Mayer (Hidalgo) delivered to the house.

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I posted some shots taken with this with some help from Elber (behind model) and Knox (model).

Two Book Recommendations

I’m currently reading the following books and would like to recommend them to you. There’s a sale at PowerBooks for those of you who have been putting off book buying. The sale is 20% off on all foreign titles.

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Jasper Fforde | The Fourth Bear
Fforde is a literary genius, combining the absurd with well thought out plots. You can visit his site for more details. In this book, investigative reporter Goldilocks is led through a murder case involving the gruesome Gingerbread Man. The trail leads to the Three Bears who live in the solitude of the woods. But all is not what it seems when the bears’ porridge are at disparate temperatures given that they were all poured simultaneously.

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Chris Anderson | The Long Tail
WIRED Mag’s EIC writes about the trendy phenomenon that is taking over blogging, communities, and business: niched markets. You’ve probably heard of this book before, but anyone who’s anybody in the business world should read this work. It also further proves that people from WIRED Magazine can write really really long pieces.

What the Publishing Industry Has Taught Me” # 57

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I learned to flaunt certain strengths and go with the flow when it comes to certain “talents” that I have. Take this particular talent for instance.


Mostly Everything

Will blog advertising ever get saturated?

This was the question posed to me in an interview for Filipinas Magazine by Yvette Tan.

My short answer was no it won’t – just look at the magazine industry. In fact, advertising in the print industry is a bit trickier with viewed ads because consumers have to buy or subscribe to the magazine first before ad placements are viewed. With online ads, all you need to do is type in the URL and voila! Instant product placement.

I’m not one to claim that print is dead or even dying (although I did blurt this out during a strategy planning session which caused the room to laugh out loud) but in the same way that magazines are becoming more and more niched, the demographic becomes more targeted – same thing with blogs and online forums.

So there. It’s not about blog advertising being saturated. It is about consumers evolving into smaller and more concentrated groups, thus allowing advertisers to pinpoint where the conversation is going on.

Mostly Everything

World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade on January 16 2007

January 16 2007 will be the biggest date for 8 million PC gamers worldwide.

Thus marks the end of gamer social life for the next few months. For the next several weeks, more 8 million players around the world will be engaged in getting from level 60 – 70, training skills, doing the Eye of the Storm battleground and increasing reputation with the different factions.

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I remember the first few weeks after buying World of Warcraft. It was February 2005 and I had a consultancy status with another company. This allowed me to come in at any time for work – and you guessed it. I spent most, if not all of my time exploring the huge expanse of Azeroth with several dozen other players from around the world.

Now I am back to being a consultant, and timely as it is I started playing again thanks to Kiven who got me a 60 day game card last Christmas. And so after a long hiatus, I’m farming honor, reputation and getting my skills up to 300 in time for the expansion. And the best thing about this new development is that everybody basically starts from scratch in terms of equipment since the current “purple” (epic) gear are crap compared to the standard level 65 weapons and armor you’ll find all over the place. My god, I can’t wait to do 10 more levels!

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I’m obviously babbling. It’s due to the excitement of being a kid again with his video games. From a financial perspective, spending PHP 800.00 a month versus several thousand pesos on dinners and clubbing makes much more sense too 🙂

Here are some screen shots of the expansion.