Mostly Everything

Left 4 Dead

The Zombie Apocalypse is best experienced with friends. November 18, 2008. I can’t wait!

Anyone else planning on getting this for the PC? We’re set to play Left 4 Dead online on Steam.

Mostly Everything

Dead Set: Big Brother meets the Zombie Apocalypse

Happy Halloween!

Are you prepared for the zombie apocalypse?

To top off a really productive week I was able to borrow a few Zombie flicks from Adel. These included Day of the Dead (2008), Dance of the Dead (2008), Dead Space: Downfall and with high recommendation, Season 1 Episode 1 of Dead Set. I was immediately sold to the series when Adel told me that the plot involved the reality TV housemates left to fend for themselves at the Big Brother House while the zombie infestation consumes all of humanity; their eyes glued to the set for that last piece of living flesh.

And such is a quaint, revealing picture of mass media: we’re all lifeless forms in front of the media, waiting to consume such lustful objects of scrutiny. 🙂