
3 Reasons to Try Out Handwriting Again

In this technologically evolving world, it’s easy to forget about the technologies that got us to where we are today.

Many of them aren’t obsolete in the way the floppy disc or cassette tape is. Simple inventions like the ink pen continue to be as relevant today as they were when they were first introduced. They continue to have a very important relationship with humans, and the way we think and record our thoughts and feelings. Here are three reasons to think about making handwriting more a part of your life, as well as a suggestion to let uni-ball provide the pen you use to do it.

(1) Handwriting is the most tactile form of recorded communication. There is something about putting a pen to paper and using it to map out each character that represents a thought, which is useful in turning that thought into a memory. Typing just doesn’t have the same physical connection to higher thought. Perhaps this is because handwriting is so difficult to learn for the first time. Children labor at it in school, trying to get their clumsy fingers to mimic the motions necessary to craft neat print and cursive.

(2) Handwriting is personal. It’s a uniquely human form of recording words. Computers can generate their own text, but an individual’s handwriting is as unique as her fingerprint. When communicating from the heart, nothing works like handwriting.

(3) Handwriting is beautiful. Handwriting can achieve a nuanced beauty that a typeface never could. There is a place for both, of course. But without handwriting, written communication becomes tragically uniform.


Uni-ball is trying to reclaim handwriting for a new generation, providing the best pen experience you’re likely to have. Click here to see some of the pen options that uni-ball brings to the table. Next time you need to make a note or write a letter, do it with uni-ball.


Is Google Getting Ready to Sell its Smart Contact Lens?

From bracelets that can track your daily activity and heart rate to watches that accept phone calls and send text messages, wearable technology is becoming more common. Until now, medical professionals have had to rely on obtrusive home tests and patient compliance to gather daily data on their patient’s chronic medical conditions. For millions of diabetics, this means constant monitoring of fluctuating blood glucose levels via a finger prick and a portable blood glucose monitor. A team within tech giant Google, known as Google X, is working on making wearable technology in the form a smart contact lens. Think of a smart lens as an amped-up technology-rich version of your favorite contact lenses such as the ultra-popular Acuvue Oasys lenses.

Mostly Everything

5 Reasons eReaders Will Eventually Win You Over

Maybe old habits die hard, but we’ve got some insights provided by the Wise Ink Blog telling it how it is: you’ll want your eBooks sooner or later.

You Love the Earth
You want the planet to survive and one thing that will certainly help make that happen is to dramatically reduce the demand for our natural resources. That’s what eReading devices bring to the table. With eReaders, publishing companies no longer have to use paper every time. Imagine thousands of books a year rendered in eBook format. That would mean thousands of books that saved up on paper and trees. If the trend continues to grow, the next generation of readers might have a shot at growing up with real forests and trees. Plus, every time you buy an eReader, you’re making a choice. You’re telling the industry that you’re willing to pay for this service. If you use that buying power to support eBooks and save trees, then perhaps more and more people would learn how to be responsible with their buying choices.


Music tech: what choice will the connoisseur make?

While there are still thousands of vinyl junkies and lossless file obsessives scouring record stores, it seems like we’ve stopped caring quite so much about high fidelity in our music listening experience.

Just think of the tiny speakers you hear on mobile phones, or the muffled strains of an iPod dock. Fidelity has stopped being important. And, without sounding like your dad trying to push his 70’s prog rock on his kids, the trend of poor sound quality is grating on the ears.

Let’s look at the old days, when turntables were the name of the game. Although most people had to put up with less than high quality turntables, their speakers were invariably excellent. They didn’t have to worry about their internet connection timing out or their music buffering.

Indeed, no number of hi-tech laptops can beat a good quality sound system. And there’s still a huge number of products available to give you an optimal listening experience. So what could we recommend?

Mostly Everything

Micromax: Enhancing the Mobile Experience in India

As one of the premiere mobile phone providers in India, it is no surprise that Micromax has managed to corner the market in amazing ways. Part of their strategy, of course, has been to command the best Micromax prices in India and of course make sure that they are at the forefront of technology, which is not always the easiest thing in the world. For example, part of the price they command is a direct result of the technology that the phones incorporate. As you probably know, mobile technology has been moved forward in great strides recently, and as such phones do need to be on the cutting edge. Micromax has done a great job of keeping their phones in the game, with high-end processors and access to the latest Android operating systems, such as Android KitKat and Lollipop. Some of the latest features from KitKat include: