Date a girl who blogs. Date a girl who finds solace in sharing her most private letters to the noises of the world. She has a rhythm to the writing, as the sounds — the tap-tap-tapping — are touched with every bit of emotion she can muster. She’s writing, ignoring the 9% battery warning as she tries to add a little more perspective to your world.
Date a girl who blogs. Find her that new restaurant and wait for her, patiently, as she skims through the menu, to cherish the Serifs and italics of the posh, and the Arials and doodles of the diner. Watch her order, and question the waiter, and then the head chef to hear a story you’ve never cared to hear before. You will learn. Watch her envelop her tongue at the morsel awaiting judgement, then chew, her face barely betraying a smile as she takes down notes on a torn paper napkin. She forgot her notebook. Buy her one. And seal it with the URL of your new blog.
Today she’s doing more than just writing. She’s moving the widgets, repositioning the ads and maybe doing a bit of SEO. Help her. Buy her a new domain — buy it for 3 years with a promo code — and then maybe configure a forwarding email address, because you know deep down that self-hosted email servers are a thing of the past.
Share her posts on Facebook. Like them. Create a hashtag for your affection to her and let her come to this knowledge through the Internet, but follow through in real life. Your story deserves to be written down.
Suggest her for #FollowFriday.
Go out on dates. Let her heart open up to you and digest these memories into a single post which will be remembered in the archives of our search engines. Kiss. Change your relationship status. Kiss some more. Add her friends. You now have more mutual friends. Tag your photos together. Add her on Farmville. Harvest her farm. Poke her.
You are no longer forever alone.
Marry a girl who blogs. Propose to her by making a website with animated gifs and MIDI background music; she will show you the secret journal she’s been writing for years for you, and you alone. You will find that it comes with no ads, no links, no page rank. Only her trust rank. You will be overjoyed to read the fondness she has had of you, and realize that this, and this alone is the memory she chose to keep from her readers.
Have kids with a girl who blogs. Let her post photos and status updates about your children. Share them with your friends. You will see that she has saved everything onto a USB drive and printed the most fond ones for a real family album because the grandparents are not on the Internet.
Date a girl who blogs because she will find interestingness in the most uninteresting of things. You deserve to be interesting and that this life you live, though monotonous in its day to day is the perfect testament to why she loves you.
Are you a girl who’s yet to start a blog? There’s a myriad of reasons to get started with your blogging journey, see here for a blogging tutorial.
As inspired by Date a girl who reads and You should date an illiterate girl
UPDATE: I chanced upon the actual spread and text from the interview in my email archives so I have decided to publish the full interview. Oh to be young again! 2006 was definitely the carefree days.
We took a trip today to shoot Ala Paredes, daughter of the legendary Jim Paredes of the APO Hiking Society. While Dario was helping out in the photo shoot at The Westin, I took the opportunity to grab his Canon 300D and do some of my own shooting.
She said something really interesting about how we Filipinos have changed in the past several years. Music can tell a lot about a People. The Brazilians for instance love singing about their country. They sing in Portuguese – not in English. Which means that they sing to each other. And the stuff they sing about — it’s all about Brazil. Brazilians singing to each other about Brazil. What love!
We used to be like them.
Ala is a true artist – she is a painter, a writer, and lead singer for Hiraya. She’s also a little bonkers in the head, which is a good thing. Because nowadays, it’s hard to keep sane in this eclectic country (But that’s not why she’s migrating).
Soon to come in the next ish of m|PH.