
Radiolab’s Apocalyptical

Got two hours to spare? Watch this video. It’s a 2 hour live special of NPR’s Radiolab done a little prior to last year’s holidays. It’s an amazing work of sound and visuals. Don’t have time today? They’ve broken down the videos to bite-sized pieces.

Still don’t have time? Download it (please do in 1080p!) and put it up on your TV. Your kids will love this.

Also, Reggie Watts.


To my son

jayvee and javi


Dear son,

One day you will wonder
At the state of affairs of this world —
In wonder as to how it was when you first saw the light of this earth.

It is suffice to say that
You were born at an exciting time.
“What kind of time?” you asked me.
And I replied, “It was a time of great change:

When music was no longer divided by era,
With every song in the world playing at your fingertips
And every culture a niche
With every niche a subculture in itself.

When Culture — all the world’s Culture
Was no longer a one way street found in some book (the pages of which you had to turn)
And can be experienced, if not understood deeply through
the words
the sounds
the songs
All from the screen in front of you.

It was a time when people stopped looking forward
And all decided to look up;
Rather than launch a man up to the moon and back
We decided to head for Mars
And mine asteroids (among stars!) instead of the Earth.

javi fernandez

Today if you had asked me what path I would have put you through,
Know this:
That the stars are much closer than a dream
And the Unknown, a religion you can follow fervently.”

My son, you were born at an exciting time
When cars were only beginning to drive themselves
When we wore computers on our hats
And toys we could print from home.

It was in these conditions that you were born
And as your entrusted steward I have prepared you for a life that looks beyond the horizon
Whether it is the exploration above or below the Earth.

Happy birthday.

javi fernandez scuba diver


The Geisha — PHP 700 for coffee. Why not?

Two Geishas. The G Flight, if I may. Two distinct profiles.

On the left is a layered cake. If there was such as thing as nursing a chocolate cake, this would be the same thing, in liquid form. There is a distinct bitterness, one that I am normally not fond of, that is mitigated by dark chocolate. And as the coffee cools, the chocolate gets darker and darker. What a profile — smooth, clean and chocolate-y. I could drink this everyday.


New Template is Live!

Hey geeks!

Finally, the new template is up! The last major overhaul for my template was roughly 3-4 years ago before responsive design went mainstream and before HTML5 goodies were widely implemented. This is a fresh, new take for the blog.


Free-flowing Third Wave Coffee Goodness in Exchange for your Generosity this Sunday, November 17 2013

magnum opus coffee for charity

My favorite third wave community coffee shop in BF Homes is holding a creative fund raiser this Sunday for the benefit of those who were affected by the Yolanda super typhoon. This is what Jonathan posted on his Facebook wall:

As some of you may know, it was my birthday yesterday. I originally intended to give back to the community that made Magnum Opus by making coffee for the neighborhood, but because of recent events, it’s more fitting to tie in my celebration with a cause.

This Sunday, from 10:30am to 3pm, all coffees are free, but we will impose a tip-what-you-want basis. All proceeds will be donated to channels that can directly aid people affected by the Supertyphoon Yolanda, and the results will be posted through our Facebook.

I will be behind the bar to make your coffees, and the team will prepare snacks for everyone who attends as well. Let’s celebrate through charity. I’ll see you guys Sunday!

Jonathan Choi

Epic. Anything that you want for the price of generosity. If you do plan to drop by (PLEASE DO!) I highly suggest being a bit more adventurous with the menu and try the Draft Spro, a signature coffee drink that could easily be mistaken for beer. But it isn’t!