Mostly Everything

Here are the most popular things to do in lockdown

The coronavirus now appears to have been around forever, as lockdowns continue and our everyday lives put on hold. It has completely changed the way we live our lives but this appears to now be changing. Improvements are being made in many areas, and these lockdowns are being eased and economies re-opening. This is something that needs to happen, so that lives are not ruined. It is now a very important step forward for the world and how it responds to this unprecedented period of time in 2020.

As mentioned it has been a lockdown for so many of us, which has meant we have had to spend extended periods of time within our own homes. Entertaining ourselves as now become the norm from home, with socializing now being done over social media and video calls, with no interaction with people from other households.

People have been looking to do so many different things from their own homes and as expected a number of industries are flourishing from this. Gaming and online casinos have seen a huge surge in numbers, with different platforms offering deals, such as the heart bingo promos. These have proven very popular, as more and more people are gaming from their homes. This is only set to continue, whilst the lockdowns remain in place. Gaming is another to see a major surge in players, for both console gaming and mobile gaming. The latter which is now fast becoming and massive business, and looking to rival console based games. The growth of mobile gaming has been incredible, as the games become more advanced.


Another very popular thing to do in lockdown has been watching movies, which will come as no surprise to the majority. Netflix for example has seen a major rise in subscribers in the early period of the year, which has seen them double their previous expectations for this period to date. The growth is only set to continue, whilst the lockdown does, but could they then see a drop as summer arrives and the lockdown eases?

One positive side to the lockdown has seen a rise in people exercising. Bikes are selling at a record rate and there are several months wait for sports equipment. People are also exercising much more, with their walking and running each day. Let’s hope this continues, as the lockdowns are eased.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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