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5 Reasons Why Tablets Are Perfect for Kids This Holiday Season

Tablets are an increasingly popular brand of technology that serve more functions than ever, such as being able to read eBooks as well as watch movies. If you have a tech savvy kid who’s always into the newest gadget, this year’s crop of tablets are just in time for the holidays. Here are five reasons why tablets are a great gift selection this holiday season for the younger recipients on your list.


1. More than Just a Tablet
The tale of parents buying their children the hottest holiday toy for an exorbitant price and then having the thrill fade after only a few weeks is timeless. Regardless of smarter technology that seems to become more uncannily AI-like every year, this same principle holds true. For example, video games have increasingly better graphics, but only hold kids’ attention until they beat the game. Tablets, on the other hand, and other interactive devices, are an investment that will last far beyond the holiday season. There are so many distractions in the information-saturated 21st century that you need something to hold a child’s attention. Tablets encourage reading with eBooks, but also provide the ability to engage with other media, providing a dynamic experience that isn’t short-lived.

2. A Literal Library at Your Child’s Fingertips
With the rise in popularity of tablets, most public libraries around the country now offer the option of downloading eBooks directly from their website which only requires a valid library card. For example, there are many titles available in eBook format at New York Public Library, according to the library’s website. Many libraries also offer classes on how to use eBooks if you need to brush up on your tech expertise. Although paying to download the latest young adult novel is always an option, you’re truly getting the most out from your money by using this free library service. A tablet can go a long way in providing access to literature for children and teens that they may have never even considered. Some tablets such as the Samsung NOOK, also come with special holiday offers to download free content with your purchase.

3. Age Appropriate
Although reading as an activity is good for young children, the American Academy of Pediatrics advises that screen time should be avoided for children under two, and limited to two hours a day for slightly older children, according to The New York Times. Therefore, tablets make better gifts for tweens and teens. This is especially true since the type of technology a tablet offers may not appeal or be comprehensible to a toddler, even during story time. However, since the slightly older age group is one of the most difficult demographics to shop for with notoriously short attention spans, this year’s tablets make the perfect gift.

4. Great for Aspiring Young Writers
Publishing an eBook can be the perfect project for aspiring adolescent and teenage authors. Self-publishing online amongst younger people is gaining steam, too, since the eBook format has made the process much more accessible. For example, teens in California self-published their own poetry eBook in 2014 to raise money for their graduating class, according to School Library Journal. By engaging in a talent, young writers become more engaged and proactive in their interests. This process teaches an important lesson about commitment and hard work. It’s also mentally stimulating, since part of the fun of online publishing is marketing. This is a great opportunity to encourage a child to start a blog and express themselves by writing about their own work.

5. Shareable for Siblings
If you’re shopping for more than one child, most tablets these days allow for multiple accounts. Giving the gift of a tablet to siblings’ cuts back on buying multiple purchases for toys that may not be used beyond a few months after the holiday season. You get the most out of the investment, and you can use it yourself if neither child is engaged. Tablets are great for the entire family, but allowing more than one child to have ownership over it is a good way to teach responsibility and sharing. It also provides you with a way to monitor your children’s tech usage and ensure that they’re not being exposed to any unsavory content the way they could with the computer, or if they’re older, smartphones. Whether you’re shopping for children on the younger side or teens, sharing a tablet forces accountability to both the co-owner of the device, but also to what’s being accessed.

The holidays are one of the best opportunities to save money on tech purchases since these items are particularly popular during this time of year. Tablets are multifunctional and provide a dynamic experience to tweens and teens, which also makes them a great investment. Consider your purchases carefully this holiday season, review all of the different options available, and then select the tablet that suits your family’s needs.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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