Mostly Everything

On Gatecrashing Events (And no, it’s not what you think)

There is a highly controversial thread on the Pinoy Bloggers Facebook group that talks about gatecrashers in media events. For the record, this isn’t an isolated thing with bloggers but also happens with the mainstream press. In the latter’s case, this is about the creation of fake press ID’s which Tom, Dick and Harry wave around the function rooms of hotel lobbies for a free meal.

But that is beside the point.


These so called gatecrashers created a new blog that documents, in meticulous detail, how they were able to circumvent the RSVP list and make it to each and every function, survive the proceedings, and leave with a loot bag uncontested.


I’d read that.

If it was well written.


It will become extremely popular and PR folks will actually invite them to events.

And that would suck.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

15 replies on “On Gatecrashing Events (And no, it’s not what you think)”

Ah… I have an idea how they do it. Have friends in the PR industry who shared several experiences with me. And one said that they don’t actually stop even though they’ve been called out/banned. Teehee.

I don’t get it though why they have to do this.. It is such an effort to go to an event (in my case at least) just for a free meal.. first of all time is a very big factor. you have to think of gas and other stuff. meh, whatever tickles their pickle…

Hannah, totally agree with you! I don’t get why they’d want to go to all these crappy events. It’s not like it’ll help them earn more, instead they’re losing time and money pa.

so what is the problem, police each other out. if they backers, then nothing you can do – that’s the name of the game

I agree with Hannah. I don’t understand why there are gatecrashers at blogger events. The time and money they spend on going to and from the event venues is, most of the time, not worth all the freebies they’d get from the loot bags.

On a lighter note, this post really made me LOL :))

people gatecrash for a variety of reasons. most of the gatecrashers i know can very well afford to buy the things in the loot bags, even the dinner. i don’t really approve, but i don’t want to be too hasty in judging their actions. i actually asked one of them, yes she is known to most of us. she said, “wala lang, natutuwa kasi ako na ang dami kong paper bags pag uwi ko ng bahay. para akong nagshopping”
mababaw pero at least she was honest. i like food, you like gadgets, she likes multicolored paper bags, hehehe. kanya-kanyang kaligayahan.

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