Mostly Everything

And now, a special message from the author of this blog

Dear readers,

I’ve served as the resident blogger and proprietor of A Bugged Life for the past 5 years. Even longer if you count my original domain at (sadly I don’t have the password anymore). I thought long and hard to see how I could celebrate this milestone and decided that there are really two reasons why this blog has grown to what it is today. Note that I never intended A Bugged Life to be a site for tech news. It was originally intended as a repository of my articles before Mobile Philippines was revamped (those were the good ‘ol days). As I got into the blogging groove, 2007-2008 became the year of SEO so updating the blog almost daily and concentrating on keywords became tantamount. Also, sticking to your niche for Adsense purposes.

The blog changed in 2009 where I realized that I wasn’t happy “reporting.” In truth, the site was always more like a personal blog to me which is why I also do insert some of my geeky cravings (such as reverse vacuum coffee) and of course, diving in the Philippines.

For the holidays I wish to celebrate Christmas by giving away a lot of things. I love gadgets. So do my readers. In a way it pains me that none of the things I will be giving away go to me, but I guess that’s really what giving means — IT HURTS! Netbooks, Android phones, an Android Tablet, an iPhone … well the list goes on. These are all prizes worth winning and I wanted to make sure that every prize is highly coveted.

During the months of December to January I will be holding a gadget raffle. These are all high ticket items from IT companies that have helped me out in the past 5 years in blogging. I had hoped to do this once a week but realized that December is a hectic month so we will be splitting the raffle into two parts — one that starts next week towards the middle of December and another that resumes after the holidays. On a side note I think bloggers should learn to take control of their sites. By this I mean that things like contests and events should be executed with them taking the lead, and not just on the client’s end. I am so happy to have several companies supporting this effort and if it is successful I’ll probably do this regularly throughout 2011.

Next week we start with SMART Communications. They’re giving away a Samsung Galaxy Tab. Stay tuned 🙂

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

32 replies on “And now, a special message from the author of this blog”


You are one of a handful of bloggers that I truly admire. I agree on the idea that bloggers should take control of their site and be responsible enough to acknowledge the massive influence they make to the general public. Profiteering in blogging is expected but beyond monetizing, blogging should be used as a constructive tool in molding public opinion.

Kudos to you! Truly inspirational to us all!

You make the Filipino in us proud 🙂 More power to you!

Congratulations for being able to maintain a blog for 5 years! As I’ve said in my Plurk, your site and Rico’s were the first ones in my RSS Feeds. I guess you guys were the ones who sortof encouraged me to blog. 🙂

Hey, it’s been that long? Good thing too, since now you want to do a gadget promo. COUNT ME IN. (I probably have a better chance of winning something here vs the lotto, hahaha)

Congrats! And yeah…I sorta miss private blogging…back when bloggers weren’t conscious about their hits.

But anyway, you seemed to have transitioned well and you’re one of the blogosphere’s A-listers. Many of us Web1.0 folks are still stuck in the Web1.0 mindset. Haha! We could learn a lot of things from you.

yay raffle! I love freebies!
Actually those personal comments and posts are what makes your blog different. Otherwise, it’d just be like reading a newspaper

Everyone is so busy every weekend. I’m going to dive Mactan in January since my family is celebration NYE there, then I’m going to Moalboal to dive the Sardines once and for all, kahit magisa ako. Do u wanna come? 🙂

Let’s organize a soon dive this Tuesday sa NUDI. Let’s find a common available weekend. 🙂

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