Mostly Everything

DiscOVIries Week V: Your Playlist Screenshot


Jan: Everybody gear up!

Wowie: Wait lang, let me set my playlist.

My dive buddy Wowie brought an H2O Audio casing for his iPod to our latest weekend dive in Puerto Galera. Though it is not recommended to listen to music during a dive, it definitely adds to the ambient experience. The device fits all previous models of the iPod including the iPod touch and the headphones connect directly to your dive mask, a few centimeters away from your ear. Once you’re underwater, the audio booms into surround sound (underwater, sound waves shoot out in all directions so it’s like ambient music coming from everywhere).

So it’s a little funny how I’d hear Wowie’s awesome Kenny Loggins’ playlist when I drift near him.

So this week, I thought it would be cool if we could all share our favorite playlist with a short description. It could be for your blogging mantra, driving music, or in Wowie’s case his dive playlist. This is my partial playlist for “indie rock.” Any of the songs familiar? 🙂



This contest is valid till 11:59PM of Sunday, November 1 2009. Contest rules can be found here. The prize, as usual is a P2,000 eGC from Ayala.

Extra: Here’s a video I made of our last four dives in Puerto Galera

We did four dives over the weekend. Highlights were Shark Cave, Canyons, Sabang Wrecks, and the raclette we had for Marie’s birthday 🙂

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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