Mostly Everything

My First Pump Espresso Machine: Krups XP 4050


I’ve been drooling over the delight of making my own espresso for more than 8 months. Today I gave in. This buy, thought seemingly impulse, was well calculated. Am I making sense? Must be the caffeine.


P.S. Lori — I found my beans. Unless I can get more of that Benguet coffee, I’ve stuck with CBTL’s house blend. It’s buttery. Just how I like it! Thank you for your advice 🙂

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

10 replies on “My First Pump Espresso Machine: Krups XP 4050”

how much did you snag this baby for? I have a crappy one at home which I never use since I’m not at home most of the time. But I’ve been wanting one, at least to offset my daily visits to starbs. Froth some milk, add some syrup and you’re off.

Glad you found some beans that you like. Anything from CBTL is good. Let me know when you need some more beans. I have some that you should try.

i love this lil machine. i haven’t stopped making capuccinos since i got this… i want to learn how to do capuccino art.. i’ve seen videos online that make it look sooo easy… have yet to figure out how to do it on my own. enjoy your cuppa java!

Hi Mr. Jayvee. How’s the XP4050? I’m thinking of starting a small cafe and, instead going straigth to the commercial/food service models, using the XP4050. Initial volume is projected to be at 10 cups a day. Do you think the XP4050 will survive? Tnx.

at 10 cups a day you will be doing OK. the thing with this model is that it isn’t a workhorse which means that with only one “motor” you will need to have some wait time between steaming milk and making espresso as it takes a while between switching modes. there are other interesting models out there for sure. if your budget is about 20k, try going to anson’s instead of rustans if you’re looking for KRUPS. if you want other brands, Rustan’s.

Hi! Thank you very much for your inputs. Highly appreciated. My budget is P30max and will consider pre-owned. When you say “need to have some wait time”, how long/how many seconds are we talking here? Aside from Krups, what other reliable brands to you suggest?

Bought the Krups XP4050 for Php9,350 at Automatic Center (heavily discounted as it was the display unit but still warranted for 6 months). The coffee taste great and froths perfectly! My only comment though is that there are times when switching modes that it will just cease making espresso and emits the “sonor” signal with all lights blinking indicating that it ran out of water even though the water tank is still full. Is this normal?

@gerone yeah i know what you mean. i read up on why it does that. apparently it is because there’s only a single mechanism that handles BOTH the espresso and the frothing so it has to reboot to change modes all the time. the more expensive models have multitasking =)

hey that’s a good price ha!!!

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