Mostly Everything

Unboxing Lachi’s Sans Rival from Davao City (PHP 285)


I’m no food reviewer, but it doesn’t take an expert to know if something’s good — like REALLY GOOD. I recently came from a Davao Food Tour organized by good friends from the Mindanao blogging contingent. I hand carried one whole Sans Rival from a nice little place called Lachi’s. Some of the foodies who went coined Lachi’s as the “Conti’s of Davao.” That’s actually very close to the truth, in my humble opinion as someone who is barely exposed to the rudiments of gastronomy.




In this post, I will make use of the traditional unboxing technique that is often used for my gadget features. I was initially worried for my poor sans rival (a whole box costs P285.00 — one order is a quarter box, putting the cost per slice to roughly P70.00 / slice). “Sans rival” of course means “without rival” and I insisted on taking home one whole tray because this is one of, if not the best crunchy sans rival I’ve ever tasted. If you’re the type who enjoys the soft and gooey sans rival, this isn’t it. With this one, you can cleanly slice through it with a knife, sans rival. 😉


I have made it a point to come back to Davao at least once a year. Mindanao is perhaps one of the most misunderstood places in the Philippines as the news about the conflict seems to overshadow the very peaceful lifestyle in the urban areas. Blogging has truly turned the SERPS of Davao around — where once, all the news on the Internet about Davao was about the conflict, now we have busy bloggers talking about the true beauty of Davao that mainstream media seems to miss out.

Lachi’s Sans Rival ATBP
DOOR 1H Learning VIllage
Ruby St. Marfori Heights
Davao City
Telephone: 224-5552

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

13 replies on “Unboxing Lachi’s Sans Rival from Davao City (PHP 285)”

Mmmmm! That looks yummy! My family and I lived in Davao for almost 3 years when I was younger. I loved living so close to the beach and having the relaxed lifestyle. I haven’t been back since we left in 1993, but I would love to drop by soon. Must remember to try out Lachi too! =P

It’s really super. I got a small piece without your permission. Now will go for seconds, may I? Thanks son.

I miss Lachi’s. One of the reasons I want to go back to Davao City. :p

The cheesecake was a sellout for me. Remember how I ate them at the airport on the way home? LOL.

hey. great article. id just like to correct that it is located at Marfori Heights, not Marlon Heights. Just for the information of everybody. 🙂

Hi, is that how they pack it? nice! i would like to bring it here in manila and im worried that it will melt or it will look like not a sans rival anymore

Can you guys tell me how much they were please? :'( I’d love to have some. Do they ship internationally?

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