Mostly Everything

Apple Store Down 1/8/08

src=”” alt=”Apple Store Down!” width=”500″ />

What? And barely a week till Macworld 2008! Is Apple teasing us now?

Mostly Everything

The Philippine Blog Awards 2008

PBA 2008

Ambush text from Abe and Gail last week as the initial call for volunteers was made for the second Philippine Blog Awards. Scheduled to be sometime in the 2nd quarter of 2008!

“The Philippine Blog Awards aims to recognize notable Filipino-owned blogs in their respective niches — a venue to showcase notable blogs with quality content that engages readers from around the globe.”

In addition to this, we agreed that this year’s awards will also showcase the different online advocacies. As this is probably the most visible event where traditional media has eyes on the blogging community, we will take this opportunity to highlight these campaigns so that they be known to everyone.

If you are a company that wants to know more about the local new media industry and meet the blogging community, now would be a perfect time to sponsor! You can proceed here for inquiries. We will have our sponsorship packages out soon.

If you are a blogger who has free time and wants to contribute some of your efforts for this yearly endeavor, please proceed here. Trust me, it’s fun to meet new people! You can also help spread the awareness of the awards by putting this logo on your blog.

Mostly Everything

The Mystery of the Undeletable Draft Mail on Leopard

Oh darn

Have any of you encountered this problem? I’ve had a ghost draft mail sitting on my mailbox for several days and it just wouldn’t want to go away. Here are two ways to solve the issue:

The first is to simply highlight the email and click on the REBUILD option. The mail will disappear. If this still does not happen, you can check out this post of onkeljonas from Ars Technica that shows you how to do it:

Poking around ~/Library/Mail/ showed that while Mail still showed the 1 unread message, it didn’t actually exist – it turns out that Mail needs a file to delete to be able to properly update the messagecounts and lists, and for some reason a mail file had disappeared by itself.
Here is a fix:

1) Navigate to ~/Library/Mail/
2) Open BackupTOC.plist, and figure out which of the entries under Root/messages is the borked one
3) Look at the kMDItemPath and make a note of the last part (xxx.emlx)
4) Open Mail, make a new draft, quit Mail
5) Navigate to ~/Library/Mail/[account]/Drafts.mbox/Messages/, make a copy of the draft you just created (don’t just rename it, or you’ll have to redo the process). Make sure the copy is in the correct mbox (in my case that was Drafts, so I didn’t have to move it) and name the copy using the note from step 3.
6) Open Mail, delete the offending email, profit!

The real problem here is how a mailfile went missing in the first place, but I’ll attribute it to some rare Mail bug involving empty messages.

Ho-hum. These are Leopard blues. I must admit, in terms of stability Leopard isn’t what Tiger used to be.

Mostly Everything

Macworld Product Line Keynote Leak (RUMOR)

For those of you who have speculated on what Apple is releasing this coming Macworld 2008, here is the complete list of items that was leaked from the Keynote draft. This leak was found through several sources including blogs and forums. The highlights for the keynote include a MacTouch, a dual 9″ touch screen portable (think of a huge Nintendo DS but the screens are side by side), 3G iPhone and SDK, the MacBook nano, and mobile Penryn chipsets for the other portables. Nothing is of course confirmed, but the list is a bit fishy as there is no announcement for Microsoft Office 2008.

As an added bonus, the MacRumors site includes the entire stage direction transcript as well:

Steve enters from backstage and welcomes the audience to MacWorld 2008. He says that there are big plans for the day, but first he wants to provide numbers. His focus topics are the adoption rates for iPhone and Leopard, as well as quick notes on iTunes, iPod, and Mac sales.

Steve then apologizes, saying that there is nothing as big as the iPhone this year, but he thinks a lot of smaller “revolutionary” changes are happening that will hopefully make this year exciting as well.

Here are the rumored product launches:

Mostly Everything

Scoble gets face off’ed on Facebook: another justification for OpenSocial?

So the year in tech has begun with Robert Scoble getting canned from Facebook for violating part of the company’s terms of service. We have interesting coverage from the Canadians Tris Hussey and Mark Evans – Tris hints a boycott of Facebook (well not really):

Why does this matter in Canada? Why am I writing about this here instead of on my personal blog you wonder? Simply this, Canada has probably the highest percentage of Facebook users of any country. Toronto has a million (that’s a third of the population people) and half of Canadians online are on Facebook. So if there is any country where this should be a hot button issue-it’s here!