Mostly Everything

“Flowers from the Rubble”

I can’t help but be sentimental as its nearing the end of the year. And today I’d like to talk about remembering your roots.

The best TV appearance I ever made was in a recent show of a friend whom I met at the UA&P. His name is John D Borra and aside from running a huge events place and blogging at Flowers from the Rubble, he moonlights as a host for an engaging talk show called Juan on Juan (Zoe TV). The 50 live minutes struck a chord as it was a pretty defining moment to have two old friends together in front of the camera. The guy in the middle is Jason de Villa, current editor in chief of Mobile Philippines and someone who I’ve worked with in many ways since 2003. It was during the first 5 minutes of the running camera that I realized how Jason paved the way for John D’s teaching career and my career as well in the glossies. We discussed, in cramped length the joys of traditional and new media all having been involved in both for the past 5 years (Jason appeared in the front page of Digg recently).

And it is with that where I borrow John D’s blog title for this post. I think that being in the media for the better part of my youth allowed me to be more sentimental about career. It was in an animated series – I honestly forgot what it was, pardon me – where the protagonist’s mentor told him to never forget your roots in times of doubt. And, I guess it is with those same roots that established writing that is fearlessly fair, and loving what you do. Love is defined as the selfless gift of self (or “the gift of self giving”), and loving what you do as a blogger means more than just writing a post, but mastering your niche.

When I go back to my roots as a blogger, the answer to many important questions becomes more apparent. 🙂

I hope it is for you too! Welcome to the Christmas season!

[photo c/o Phoebe | my tummy c/o Cheetos]

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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