Thoughts at 2300 HRS

I rarely ramble, but here are a few things that have been on my mind lately.

1. We need more valuable and diverse local web property. All I see are blogs, forums and micro sites. It would be nice to venture into original and useful properties to build value. But then again, it might be the culture as well.

2. I think it’s silly that a number of bloggers bear some sense of enmity with journalists in general. It’s not about what medium you write in, it’s who you are that makes you. Just because it’s “new media” doesn’t make journalism “old media.” A little respect would go a long way. We’re all more closely intertwined than you think. So are bloggers better..? Again, it’s about what you do. Can’t we just quit it and learn from each other?

3. I think know that IPTV or Internet television is going to make bigger waves in 2009. Smaller area for penetration, higher quality control for content. And the ironic thing is that it won’t be snowballed by television networks.

4. I have another big hunch that we’ll be seeing less of “Make Money Online” in 2009 and more of “Make Meaning Online.”

5. Arise, local venture capitalist to fund new media projects!

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

10 replies on “Thoughts at 2300 HRS”

*bows low* Yes Master Bugster. I am but a grasshopper. Teach me.

Meaning and Value are what everyone is searching for, online or off. Yet many of us get sidetracked, specially in the web – like fly in a spider’s. I started blogging to articulate these two an somehow got lost. We need to be spiders, not flies.

Please write more of these, Master Jedivster.

Meaning, Jayvee? I read The Onion, ALDAILY, QUEZON.Ph, browse MySpace Music, Wikipedia every new word, name or term I come across, watch MSNBC, CNN and Comedy Central and that’s pretty much it. What sort of MEANING do you mean? The closest thing to profundity I got online is watching Matt of Where the Hell is Matt.

Remember the localvibe, legmanila group? What the heck was that all about?

What we are needing right now is a site central for good causes like family planning and the alleviation of poverty. A website that will serve as repository of news and important data and a networking aid. No politics, just pure movement: logistics, strategy, action, mobilization. I think you or noemi or Abe, etc can do this with a lot of help from other people. We can even ask NGOs if something like this may be useful to them.

The design of this website must be landscape in scope, meaning something very general like Progress Philippines, Philippine Causes, etc, or something of this nature. Farm for suggestions from people you know. Once we have the right site name, we’re halfway there.

But this has to be as non-political as possible (so maybe population control may cause issues to arise, I don’t know). We need everyone without ulterior motive or angle to contribute and I mean everyone – Church, student leaders, the military, the police, medical professionals, teachers, professors, OFWs… aside from bloggers, web professionals, marketing people and NGOs (the usual suspects).

We’ll have running updates on NGO works and works form charitable organizations, call for donations, call for papers, call for participation, relevant news from government, foreign parties. Know what I mean. This needs a lot of volunteer work from a lot of people… main focus being a very broad one: improving our country. The Philippines as a Good Cause.

@BrianB: once had an idea to put up a site that lists down all teh NGOs in the Philippines and at times, update you with their stakeholder activities. I consulted Gang Badoy about it and she said it was a good idea. I haven’t pushed through with it yet because I don’t know where to start, and haven’t really consulted others, aside from Gang, about it.

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