Mostly Everything

Eraserheads Reunion Opens with Alapaap

Eraserheads Reunion Concert Opening from jayvee Fernandez on Vimeo.

Before the second set began, Ely Buendia was rushed to the hospital. I had left the venue with Phoebe minutes before this happened because we were both suffering from a relapse of a cough and colds epidemic that’s been going on for days. Hence, the early post. Today, Saturday, was particularly humid. Hope he’s OK.

This was what was supposed to happen during the second set, according to Jen’s blog:

When Magasin was to be played, the screen behind them would have montages of various news and magazine clippings of them. It would flash alternately with shots of the band and audience until the song reached the coda where Ely sings “…ay centerfold ka naaaa…woo hoo-hoo, haaa-haaa” part of the song. Then there would be fire works and a fountain of sparks, going on til the last note of the song. Then the hydraulic stage would be lowered and the band would make a “fake ending”. [read more here]

We were standing at the Patrons area and waited for the 10 minute countdown to begin. The video I have is of the last few seconds of the countdown and the first song, Alapaap (with fireworks!).

Despite the bad volume leveling with the instruments and vocals, the feedback, the out of tune singing (you could really tell that during their latter 2 songs, Huwag Mo Nang Itanong and Fruitcake – Ely was having a hard time as he was somewhat already out of tune and out of sync at guitar), the crowd had no qualms. These are the Eraserheads. They were never known for stellar showmanship or awesome guitar riffs. But they will always be known as probably the best Pinoy band in this generation because they brought together a mixed social strata of Filipinos who were able to survive high school because of their music. That same generation is here tonight, ten years older, a bit wiser, a bit less frivolous, but wanting to celebrate a piece of pubescent nostalgia.

The Eraserheads reunion was at its best, nostalgic. It wasn’t trying to be something more than this, and this is what made them remarkable.

P.S. The guy screaming in the video is Markku 🙂

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

24 replies on “Eraserheads Reunion Opens with Alapaap”

I am sad to hear about Ely. I could not believe he was performing just 2 days after his mom died. I hope he recovers soon. I heard the countdown and Alapaap in our condo but left soon after as I cannot stand loud thud noise which affects my heart.

i have been waiting for this to happen for years….. im one of the many that got thru adolscence with eraserheads playing thru the headphones of my trusted “walkman”. sadly, i wasnt able to go to the event coz i opted to go wid my lola and aunt to manila pen for a dinner. not that im regretting that i went wid my aunt and lola, but now i know that i wont be able to forgive myself for not going to the concert.

just watching this video made me cry…… hearing ely’s voice at the start of alapaap made me weep…..sana andun ako.

i am one of the many who went thru hyskul wid eraserheads songs plaing in the background…. one of the many who worships the band… of the many who thinks that eheads is the best pinoy band ever……i have been waiting for years for this reunion concert to happen but sadly i wasnt able to go coz i went wid my lola and aunt to manila peninsula instead….. now i know i wont be able to forgive myself for not going to the concert instead….

just watching the video made me cry….. hearing ely’s voice at the start of alapaap made me weep…..sana nandun ako…

[…] Abuggedlife summarized it very well: “Ely was having a hard time as he was somewhat already out of tune and out of sync at guitar), the crowd had no qualms. These are the Eraserheads. They were never known for stellar showmanship or awesome guitar riffs. But they will always be known as probably the best Pinoy band in this generation because they brought together a mixed social strata of Filipinos who were able to survive high school because of their music. That same generation is here tonight, ten years older, a bit wiser, a bit less frivolous, but wanting to celebrate a piece of pubescent nostalgia. […]

I’m an Eheads fan in denial.
And I thought I’ve succeeded.
In trying to outgrow them.
Denied that they even existed
In my somewhat blurry past.

But when I heard ‘Shake ‘Yer Head’
In the concert that never was
Everything rushed back.
It was still crystal clear
I still love them.
My fascination with the band remained.
It never left.

When they announced that Ely wasn’t alright.
I feared for Ely.
We all know he wasn’t in the best condition.
But we kept pushing him to come back.
To sing the old songs once again.
Songs that feel good, but hurt good at the same time.
Like all memories we hold on to.

He made this ultimate sacrifice.
To sing. To be branded a sellout. To open up old wounds
That only he knew if it did heal or not
And he also knew it might hurt. Deep.

Do the fans really care?
Do the fans really feel
What he feels right now?

Sadness for happiness.
Sacrifice for music.

Play your songs
Till you bleed.

For the fans.
For the past.

For things that we miss.
And things that will never come back.

No matter what.

Ely, be well. (aLjI)

i was in the concert too. too bad they weren’t able to finish the 2 remaining sets. hooray for the Eraserheads and the millions who worshipped them during their grade school / high school years!

half a concert is better than no concert at all. 🙂 it was totally awesome (not posting videos i took despite the fantastic view because it’s full of out of tune singing and screaming). you’re right about it being nostalgic – for almost everyone at that concert the eraserheads provided the soundtrack to some of the most memorable years of their lives 🙂

Its been four days since the concert and it is still talked about. I know that it will be talked about forever. I’m so glad i was there. Thank you to MTV friends who gave me a VIP pass. I still feel the goosebumps i felt when i view all the you tube uploads of that historic opening.
The lights are really good and quite awesome, the band is tight the way we remember them. When the show was cut we felt dazed. We still do four days after. Still waiting for any word on Ely’s condition. Will the collapse last Saturday worsen his health? Sana naman hindi. I hope an update on his general condition will be announced soon.
We are constantly praying for you Ely. I feel so fortunate to have seen you, Marcus, Raimund and Buddy together again right before me and your loving fans. We love you!

comment on aiza:

what would you expect naman kung ikaw ang kamamatay lang ng ina, me sakit na dinaramdam at pagod pa sa praktis at sa lamay ng ina makakanta ka ba ng maayos nun???!!! tingnan mo nga sinugod nga ng hospital. makacomment ka lang di ka naman nag-iisip. tse!

Basta masaya ang mga nanood dahil narinig ulit nila ang mga kanta ng beatles ng Pilipinas na sobrang sumikat anu!

from: an avid Eheads fan…

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