Tenure. Or what’s close to it.

I abandoned myself to certain realities when I was a lot younger. That first, in order to keep to a certain lifestyle, a job in education would definitely be noble, but not practical. I was young and restless. Second, I believed in the philosophy that you can’t teach what you don’t know and being a fresh grad with barely any experience in worldly things would pale me in comparison to Richard Dreyfuss (who bares a startling resemblance to Rico’s dad) in Mr. Holland’s Opus or Robin “O Captain! My Captain!” Williams in Dead Poet’s Society.

So after college, I had in my arsenal a whole bunch of theories on andragogy (adult learning), child psychology, “best practices” and teaching philosphy. I was envious of friends who worked for the big agencies like Ogilvy, the McCann group, BBDO, etc. It was then I began to doubt having taken the wrong course. Deep inside though, I thought I was doing the right thing. Maybe not entirely. But I guess being hard headed (dalawa ang puyo ko) I wanted to convince myself that I was right.

Steve Jobs, in his “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish” 2005 commencement speech addressed how past decisions will only, but always, make perfect sense much later on, …you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future..

So I trusted. I gave up Integrated Marketing Communications for a Development Education course. I gave up working in PR or advertising so I could do some work in Batangas with farmers and in Negros Occidental Oriental for a family farm school, not to teach, but to develop curricula. (Hyuk) I guess the joke’s on me as I’ve wounded back working with agencies for PR and advertising.

And my units in Education? Well, this letter only proves one thing.

My acceptance into the Institute

That Steve Jobs was right. 🙂

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

23 replies on “Tenure. Or what’s close to it.”

Hey, congratulations, Jayvee! Nice to know that someone found their true calling… I hope I find mine soon, too.


Congratulations Jayvee. And thank you for that quote from Steve Jobd. This is the first time I’ve come across it and it makes a lot of sense.

@Icoy – i sincerely believe that your destiny finds you eventually, and not the other way around. as long as you’re not cheating yourself with what you want to do – and it “feels right” it will be easier to find things out.

at least that’s what i think! 🙂

lia – im not full time faculty. this is going to be a once a week sort of thing, which is still heavy considering ill be working on case studies and papers. but i know it helps reinforce this “cottage new media” industry and makes it more appealing to corporations!

hey jayvs!
congratulations! btw you were on the oriental side of negros not on the occidental side when you were working for the farm school hahaha! you have gone a long way and the entire MADE 2003 is proud of you! Keep up the good work!

So good to see you’ve arrived. I, on the other hand, pushed through with IMC, but went to the United Nations to do advocacy work after graduation, but then went back to PR / Advertising work when I came home to Manila. Will my next career move be a jump back into development work?? Could be. I’m still in my vicious cycle of confusion! So it’s good to know that clarity comes to some people, at least I can keep on hoping that it will come to me too! Heheh, congrats dude 🙂

hey emily, i don’t think i’ve “arrived.” to say such things and i’m not yet 40 is actually disturbing! the course work is going to be co-designed by myself and prof. ricardo lim. i have help from two other people who are going to form part of the team for this course. i asked for the help of anton diaz and brad geiser.

And just like that, another teacher is born. Congratulations! Or condolences. I’m not sure. I’ve taught for a couple of semesters myself, although at a state university. No one stood on a chair to wish me goodbye, but I came away sure that teaching was an experience everyone should have at least once in his/her life.

Congrats, Jayvee! I’ve always admired those who feel a calling to teach. It’s a gift that not everyone has, including me! “Prof” na ba ang bago mong title? 🙂

it has been a while since i last visited your blog and now you’re gonna be a teacher! that’s so cool, jayvee! i used to teach English to Koreans. nevertheless, that’s rather different from what you’ll be doing soon. update me with your classroom anecdotes! and oh, link my multiply! i’ve stopped blogging in tabulas 🙂

Oh my effing gosh!!


So sorry for the late late reaction but I’m so happy for you!!!!!



Belated congratulations. You have been teaching all along. Just not in the formal education setting.

You’ll do great.

Two tips:

1. Listen. To what they say, and what they don’t.
2. You’ll be teaching more with how you live your life than what you say in the classroom. To quote “It’s not how well you blog, it’s how you live your life.” True anywhere. Not just blogging =)

Now go educate!

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