Mostly Everything

Post Resurface 3/25/2008: Network Blog Woes, Plugs, On Lighting, PR Tips

Do you resurface posts that have been caught in the pile by your frequent updating? Well, I found this to be an interesting exercise in looking at how my thought train has evolved through the months and years, as well as running the risk of hanging old (dirty) laundry. Still, here are some of the old posts I’ve come across and thought to myself, hey these might still be valid today!

Should Restaurants Charge for Using Power Outlets? // June 2 2007

Back in Paranaque, the local Mocha Blends branch at President’s Avenue is packed with people till about 2 or 3AM. That’s on a weekday. The staff allows people to plug in their computers and even has a stash of extension cords available upon request. The end result is that the place has become a haven for WiFi warriors, law students (the staff has an easel and pen which they provide these types of customers for study groups) and the late night crowd that are allowed to stay on outside even when the restaurant is closed. Isn’t that great? With these small gestures from the staff, they have managed to build a community of regular patrons! [Read]

If a Network Problogger Left the Blogosphere, Would Anyone Care?// June 24 2007

So when a problogger leaves the networked owned blog, the blog manager of the network has to find a new writer through word of blog, personal recommendations, advertising, and email blasts. A new blogger eventually comes who is fit to take over the content. Now here’s the thing. There are several things happening between the time the original blogger leaves and the time the new blogger makes his first few posts: [Read]

PR Tips for Philippine Agencies // September 26 2006

In truth, I’ve attended about a hundred PR events, big and small since the year 2003. Here are some tips I offer PR agencies when organizing events for the press, especially for the tightly knit technology industry: [Read]

On Uncategorized Posts // September 3 2006

Do you ever forget to classify your post categories? Yankeemom seems to be the number one in rank in Technorati’s Uncategorized category.[Read]

How To Get a Press Release Published // September 14 2007

Are you a PR or marketing practitioner? Here are some effective ways to get your press released published. You have to bear in mind that dozens of press releases make it to the inbox of newspaper and magazine editors every day. How does the editor pick the really good ones to publish? How do you make your piece of paper stand out from the rest of the stack? Here is a compiled list from Ms. Penny with some of my notes: [Read]

Photo Project: Lighting // November 18 2006

We did something different here. Elber brought along his home made diffuser, very similar to the DIY FinnBounce and Smelfen for the 350D. But instead of bouncing light, it stopped it. But since the internal flash still fires, it triggers the Nikon slave (apologies, I forgot the model) allowing us to flash from anywhere. His home-made device is made of film strip bunched together and taped with masking tape which is inserted above the lens. I then uploaded the image to iPhoto and with a click of a button, converted to B&W. [Read]

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

One reply on “Post Resurface 3/25/2008: Network Blog Woes, Plugs, On Lighting, PR Tips”

Should Restaurants Charge for Using Power Outlets?
>> Still valid! Howevs, Mocha Blends BF now close at 11pm (and their plating sucks 😡 ).

Photo Project: Lighting
>> Ahhhh this sort of woke up my inner (geeky) Martha Stewart. Will tinker around maybe on Wednesday night! :mrgreen:

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