Mostly Everything

Mommy Darling

Mommy Darling

EDIT 2: Photos of the last mass and burial rites are here for family and friends to view.

Those close to the Fernandez and Javellana side of my family have always considered my grandmother “Mommy Darling” to be larger than life. She has always been the epitome of grace and art and an inspiration to us, especially to the cousins to be excellent in our pursuit of everything creative. I am lucky to be blessed by a huge clan (we’re the typical noisy Ilonggo clan 🙂 ) that spend regular Sunday reunions in Blue Ridge. We’re all pretty close. In these fast times, it is hard to keep close to family. All of us 35 grandchildren are great.

Mommy Darling (she didn’t like being called lola — and so yes, lolo was also ‘Daddy Darling’ to us) was especially influential to me because of how she supported my musical endeavors (In her 70’s she was still dancing ballet!). She bought me a Washburn Festival series when I was in college so that I could play for her 75th birthday. She is the root cause of why I love writing, why I love photography and why I’ve learned to appreciate art.

My fondest memory of her was when she decided to treat all her grandchildren to a European tour a few years back. She would have to stress that if the parents wanted to go (her 7 children), they would have to pay for their own fares. So there we were in a tour of Europe for a month with my grandma, nephews and nieces.

Mommy Darling passed away silently on the Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes, on February 11 2008 while praying the rosary. It is no coincidence that she wished to die on the feast day of her namesake.

I would also like to thank those who visited last night – Sasha and Rico, Juned and Markku and Phoebe of course. Thank you as well to everyone who sent emails and SMS. Really sorry that I cannot always reply but yes, I got them all. My grandma’s remains lie at Christ the King in Greenmeadows and her remains will be transferred this Saturday after the 8:30 am mass to Loyola Marikina, where Daddy Darling waits for her.

There were no tears last night. Everyone was happy. Mommy Darling lived a full life filled with so much love. It is such an envied way to pass through to the next life.

EDIT: So funny that today, she was wearing blue and yesterday she was in a white dress! Thanks to Juned, Noemi and Lauren for passing by tonight as well, together with the SMS messages from everyone else.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

21 replies on “Mommy Darling”

Hey Jayvee, my condolences po..

Despite your family’s loss, it’s nice to read about a person who have lived a full life filled with love and happiness. Like that person has no regrets whatsoever. I’d like to die that way too, hehe. 🙂

I didn’t know you were Ilonggo! Kababayan? 😛

My Sincerest Condolences on the Loss of Tita Inday.

But yes, she’s lived a good life.

Sorry I won’t be able to make it to the funeral this sat, but my Mom and brother are going.

Sad that I have to find out through this manner that we’re related.

Hi Jayvs, I’ll never forget how you were there for me when my Dad died. I wish I could be there to extend my condolences too. My prayers are with you and your family. I’m sure she’s happy where she is now.

hey JV, from the way you so lovingly described her here, she is really such a darling to all around her and must have had a great life. i won’t say may she rest in peace coz she must really be in peace that your lolo’s waiting for her is now over. she must be overjoyed to join him.

when somebody like her passes on, there will surely be more laughter than tears at her wake and funeral.

Hi Jayvee,

My condolences. I lost my dad last November, I have so many with my dad that until now part of me was in in denial. Anyway, for sure Mommy Darling would eventually meet up with my dad so lets pray that they keep on guiding us. God bless.

on behalf of noreen, i’d like to offer you our condolences. just found out now. it’s difficult to lose a loved one but we must keep their memories alive. again, our sympathies to you and your family.

my condolences. sorry we weren’t able to talk big time when we bumped each other in eastwood because i was in a hurry to catch for a meeting. but next time. hopefully. my condolences again.

dear john ray,

thanks for the note. sorry we couldnt talk more at the cybermall. had to rush blowing up a few photos for the wake. thanks man and see you around!

My condolences to you and your family Jayvee. You’re fortunate to be able to spend time and get to know your grandmother. Me, I never had the chance to do that with any of my grandparents since we lived far from them and they died when I was still a little boy.

Anyways, like what Joni said, I didn’t know you were Ilonggo. Just curious, do you understand or speak the vernacular? 🙂

Hi. I heard about your lola from my dad. (he’s a friend of your lola’s sister, Tita Ditas.) Condolences to you and your family.

This was a very nice tribute piece. I’m sure she would have loved it. 🙂

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