Mostly Everything

Yaya Remy and other stories of interest :)

Eli, Yapi’s sister has written a short and entertaining piece on Yaya Remy. This was in retroaction to her sister winning RJ Ledesma’s Lies My Yaya Should Have Told Me contest. You can check out Yapi’s blog for the account.

Noemi, together with Blog and Soul has organized a Blogging Ethics and Libel Law forum this coming February 16 2008 at Kape Isla. To date, we have slots for 9 more participants. This project is also in support of Rock Ed Philippines’ Book Bigayan Project. Though it is not required, it would be nice if participants donated a book as an “entrance fee” for this event 🙂 Please leave a comment on the B&S blog if you’re interested.

Phoebe Ramos is giving away her back-up make up. Click here for more details on what exactly she’s giving away for adoption. She also started her cooking / food blog.

Does anyone want to go to Hed Kandi on the 16th at Avenue after the Moony Black Concert? VERY limited tickets available. Please leave a comment if you’re interested.

I’ve turned my Flickr Pro account into a photo blog. Some of the shots here were projects done for broadsheets early last year (i.e. Nikki dela Paz and surfer girls) and I finally get to put them online.

It’s Beauty and MInerals Day on February 16th a well. Well, gee, this is beyond my niche but I’m going there in support of and maybe get my eyebags removed once more!

“Stripped down” Hamlet will be showing till the 17th of February. Haven’t read such an entertaining blogosphere buzz about a Shakespeare play, ever. Ana Abad Santos-Bitong should do the same thing with Macbeth. I honestly think Shakespeare remakes are a good direction to make the commentaries of the human condition more up to date with the times. Great stuff!

Thank you to those who have ordered flowers through me! You can still avail of a discount by entering the promo code ABUGGEDLIFE-68140 when you check out.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

5 replies on “Yaya Remy and other stories of interest :)”

most def. coz if it were up to me, our weeknights consist of finishing video games with a very detailed walkthru. and cold pizza.

I think I saw a poster of that hamlet? Is that the one where they were dressed in leather and looked like “the Matrix” rejects? Cause that looked kinda funny, and not in a good way.

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