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World of Warcraft the Board Game: OMG! Information Overload!

World of Warcraft Board Game

One of my grade school friends brought home an .00 gem in the form of World of Warcraft the Board Game. For WoW Online players, WoW:TBG is basically another way to enjoy the WoW gaming experience offline (like we haven’t had enough!).

WoW Board Game

So my friends have transformed ourselves into 5 year olds once more and we’ve been trying to figure out how this game is actually played. As WoW Online players, we’ve kinda gotten the gist of the whole thing as a lot of the references from lore to mechanics stem from the game. A game lasts roughly four to five hours.

In the meantime, what I’ve done was to post photos instead after the jump!

Inside the Box

Character Sheet

World Map

Heroes are in Grey

WoW Heroes on the map

Bad guys

From what I gather, there are two possible ways to win the game – the first is to go the PvE route and slay either Nefarian, Kel ‘ Thuzad or Lord Kazaak. If after 30 turns a boss is not slain, players get to duke it out on PvP.

Character sheet for leveling up

Starting zone at Brill for Horde

It is quite interesting to note how the Horde start at the town of Brill and not Undercity while the Alliance start at Southshore. The game map is composed of the upper part of Kalimdor only which means that the Horde capital of Orgrimaar isn’t even seen.

Alliance start at Southshore

40 page manual

Items Galore!

Deck for items and for events


Party of four

You may proceed here to read a quick overview of the game as well as a review.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

10 replies on “World of Warcraft the Board Game: OMG! Information Overload!”

I do hope you do not mean that board games are for five years old. 🙂

Because they are not. Five hours is not so bad. It is said that one of the tests of truly good board game or any game for that matter is that you know the mechanics and goals of the game within five minutes.

that board is the upper portion of the eastern kingdoms, not kalimdor, which is why orgrimmar is not present.

I just got this box for Christmas. Yes, I’m a 5-year old 27-year old… getting myself prezzies for Christmas (well.. I did spend over 10,000 baht on my son who’s almost 2 years old). I can’t wait to open it up… I got this over Warhammer, so you know how I’m just dying to get those things painted.

Fortunately, these pictures have put me back on the positive side — those figures really looking detailed enough for a good paint job.

Just one thing though — are the figures made of hard plastic or soft, bendable plastic? Coz it looks like I see a female Warlock there with a wonky staff… 🙁

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