Mostly Everything

Jayvee’s Live Facial Reactions to Macworld 2008 Keynote

I’m going to try something different this year. Using Photo Booth, I’m going to freeze my facial reaction whenever Steve Jobs announces something new. This is a live blogging of my facial expression at Steve Jobs’ keynote for Macworld 2008. Click on the refresh button for my facial commentary.

Time Capsule

1:10 am Steve Jobs announces Time Capsule, sort of like a hard drive that comes with built in Airport Express. You can sync your Macs wirelessly via Time Machine.

iPhone updates

1:31 am iPhone now has maps with locations. Ok… I think this is also the same facial expression I had when he announced Office 2008 earlier. I forgot to take a shot.


1:35 am
More iPhone stuff. Geez. I so can’t relate. Please launch the iPhone in Asia already, Steve. iPod touch gets updated. OK .. god I hope he reveals something more than this crap.


1:39 am iTunes Movie Rentals. OK so they did a Netflix. Still can’t relate as the iTunes store isn’t available here in the Philippines. Where’s my pillow….


1:44 am “What’s it going to cost? To rent a library title will cost $2.99 — new release? $3.99” Big applause. [Engadget]. Steve, in Manila, our movies cost USD 1.00 and its yours forever. At least now, the Apple TV gets more useful. You can rent movies with that thing.

Dum de dum

2:01 am Booring .Mac stuff. Nice that they did some Apple TV improvements though. Perfect time for a bathroom break. Now its on to the more interesting stuff.

2:13 am Actual facial expression cannot convey how I really feel. So I’m using this light tunnel effect to make up for the excitement that I cannot seem to replicate. Apple launches the MacBook Air. It fits inside a Manila envelope. OMG. How did they do that? There has to be a catch. There has to be a catch. Somewhere.


2:28 am “You’ll see in the finder called Remote Disc — it will show you all the Macs and PCs that have some special software on them, and you can pick one of those machines and ask to borrow its optical drive … Once they’ve accepted your request you can see what’s on their optical drive — a PC can read a Mac disc and send it wirelessly over to your MBA and it’s just as if you had a local optical drive. It’s amazing … for $1799” [Engadget] — Good golly, there’s already a Wikipedia entry for the MacBook Air and the conference isn’t over yet.

The author is currently recovering from post-keynote product overload. Liveblogging will now come to a halt. Thank you for watching.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

23 replies on “Jayvee’s Live Facial Reactions to Macworld 2008 Keynote”

right on. my current macbook was actually more expensive than this.

there has to be a catch somewhere. im still recovering from the keynote high then im going to start figuring out the loopholes.

right after the keynote, my cousin YM’s me and asks if im selling my macintosh because he needs a second hand computer.

God wants me to have a MacBook Air.

Woohoo! The amazing Mac Book Air which has a bunch of geeks drooling. 😉 Or flat on the floor, toppled over by the excitement — too much of it. Hehe.

I love the light tunnel effect on one of your pictures 😉

Yes, God wants you to get the MBA. But he told me you should sell to a mac-less blogbank co-worker, for the price of an EEE… Wanna swap instead? 😉

Yeah, I wrote what I feel in my blog about Macworld too, a little similar to your facial expressions, if I had only documented it hahaha.

I guess the catch is in the trackpad too? All those trackpad movements? But that’s gotta suck for the mouse users. But srsly, that remote disk shiz is awesome.

well the Air isn’t for everyone. im not even considering the size for one. from a specs point of view, what makes the MBA attractive is that it already comes with 2GB of RAM, although non-upgradeable. its definitely not a powerhouse Mac but nice to have if you want a Macintosh with longer battery life.

Javee, it won’t have longer life, that’s for sure. Toshiba R500 HAS a longer life, meaning you can work for 10 hours at a single charge, even with WiFi.

I don’t know why Apple went with the 13.3 inch screen instead of something smaller. Or why not cut the bezel altogether.

@Ryan, dude i have this strong feeling that apple might introduce wireless sync for ipods soon. it has to be the answer for the “1 USB port to rule them all” thing.

hello! i’m a new mac user, i just bought my mac last october but now i’m selling my macbook too for a macbook air… i really really like it the first time i saw it on apple website 🙁

i’m not sure about this but i guess for me, a usb hub will solve the one usb port problem.

i hope you can post MBA’s loopholes soon to stop me from buying it impulsively. apple might be releasing a new MBA with better specs later on. maybe that’ll be the best time to buy.

thank you! 🙂

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