Mostly Everything

Hey PR Agencies! This is how to do a social media PR campaign!


This is a template I took from the news blog of CNET. The post caught my eye because it talked about an actual TEMPLATE to doing social media campaigns. I’m not sure if Mike Abundo (head curmudgeon) or Steve Rubel (PR guru) would agree with this chart — but hear me out for a bit. The image above is basically a means to illustrate the different channels of our innovative Internet space, with a zero in on social interactions online. You can download the PDF template by clicking on this link.

Click HERE to see how Ford made use of this template to come up with their own social media friendly site.

Enter the social media news release (SMNR), originally conceived by SHIFT Communications, a viable new format to spark and cultivate online conversations about a product. Todd Defren, Shel Holtz, Chris Heuer, and other bloggers have been on the soapbox preaching about SMNRs for almost a year now. The list of companies that have used the SMNR includes Coca-Cola, BEA, SAP, Novell, and Belkin, among many other smaller companies.[Read]

The chart doesn’t tell you HOW to do things. It tells you WHAT is available in the Internet community – blogs, social networking, social bookmarking, viral videos, and the like.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

3 replies on “Hey PR Agencies! This is how to do a social media PR campaign!”

So nice of my sister to alert me about this. Funny that the Executive Assistant of CNET’s CEO is a dear friend (so this means I’ll be asking her for more help).

This template is something I can definitely use in my line of work — and critically more so now as we help empower Filipino (and other ethnic groups) community-based organizations with using internet tools for effective communications — especially now that I’m supporting online “interconnectedness” with Overseas Filipinos (contract workers and professionals). But that is another story (I’m hoping to blog my trip “almost-live” to the Netherlands later this month for the European Migrants Conference).

I’m keeping track of you, Philippine-based bloggers and techies — and will be sharing your achievements with my own network. I’m very proud of you! Keep up the faith! In the meantime, I invite you to drop by our website,, for a first-hand look at the issues and celebrations we have in Northern California.

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