Mostly Everything

The “return of the comeback” of Paypal, Darcie is now happy

The life of Darcie, our b5 HQ manager, has been made much easier with the release of full PayPal support in the Philippines. Ever since 2005, b5media has been using Xoom to pay Philippine-based bloggers their monthly income. The service was actually very reliable until two years later – today, where increased earnings and the addition of more bloggers from the Philippines caused the Xoom account to “overload” once in a while. This brought a slight panic to some local bloggers for the most obvious of reasons.

The Xoom payment ceiling was especially tiresome for me as I served as a payment hub for three bloggers. PayPal’s grand return will sure make a lot of people at b5media happy.

Mike Abundo was most poetic about it:

Let that sink in for a second. Rural Filipinos can now sell their towns’ products directly to the world over eBay. Talented Filipina babes can become the next Happy Slip by posting their videos on Revver. The Philippines — indeed, individual Filipinos — can finally earn money in the global Long Tail of ecommerce.

Nope, it’s not April 1. Thank god. This is the real deal.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

6 replies on “The “return of the comeback” of Paypal, Darcie is now happy”

Hi, does that mean you can use PayPal to buy stuff online too? We have an account but so far can only receive money into the account, we can’t make payments which is what we really need it for.

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