Mostly Everything

A Toblerone Thank You via Free Music


Yet another traditional industry – the chocolate industry, to be more specific – has jumped into the online viral marketing bandwagon. Toblerone has collaborated with a selection of local artists to release a torrent friendly album.

This effort is actually part of a campaign to establish Manila as a ‘Thank You’ Capital:

In a study conducted by Reader’s Digest, Metro Manila ranked among the least courteous cities in the world. An integral part of the test was to check whether the residents of a city constantly say “thank you”.

This prompted Manila Mayor Alfredo Lim together with Vice Mayor Isko Moreno to take initiatives in declaring October 20 as National Thank You Day by signing a city ordinance at the Manila City Hall. The legislation also makes the City of Manila the pioneering city to declare a “Thank You Day” in the country.

For a city that has been known for its warmth, it saddens these two government officials to hear that Metropolitans are showing less gratitude nowadays. They hope that through this action, the city can make great strides towards reviving the lost art of saying thank you.

There wil be a big event on October 20 at the Mall of Asia with bands and, I assume, loads and loads of chocolate to celebrate this new city ordinance. Everyone’s invited!

Here are the contents of the album, which is DRM free 🙂

Sweet by Salindiwa DOWNLOAD

Sweetest Thank You by True Faith DOWNLOAD

Tempetuous Tempters (The Unchocolate Song) by Cynthia Alexander DOWNLOAD

Bionic by Stone Free DOWNLOAD

Purple Colored Skies by Mozzie DOWNLOAD

Let’s Get Together by Chang (Reggae Mistress) DOWNLOAD

The songs can also be downloaded from the Thank You Day Philippines website. I am proud to say that the site was designed by my friends from Sheero Media. Great job guys!

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

11 replies on “A Toblerone Thank You via Free Music”

that’s weird – I thought Singapore was the least courteous in the world according to the same study by Reader’s Digest? And that also prompted the Singapore Govt to start doing ‘courtesy’ campaigns.

I would have to say it’s hard to believe that Manilenos are less courteous than them.

phil, i had the same insight on this. apparently, “manila” is different from “philippines” as I inferred. it turns out, as a country, we are generally more friendly. but manila is the least friendliest place in th PH, i am assuming.

I don’t think Filipinos in Metro Manila are the least courteous people. But perhaps the sample they’ve taken are not courteous, though I don’t think they really represent Manila as a whole.

Download “Bionic by Stone Free” only at this blog courtesy of Jayvee (coz it’s not at the official Thank You Day Philippines website). Hmmm…

Just noticed in a TV commercial. Toblerone’s National Thank You Day this October 20 will coincide with Anlene’s Dance World Record Movement at the CCP Complex naman.

The Thank You Machine will be completed with the next few days. Right now, you can start using the “Upload your photo” e-card option. You can also send your TY card to the future! Check it out.

to Jayvee: sounds logical that Manila is different from the rest of the country. that would explain a lot – and it does sound like it’s probably true having lived in manila previously.

but i still kind of recall that the report i saw actually mentioned Sg at the bottom, not Manila, not the Philippines.

i am trying to get hold of the report now (if i can get to resurrect my old laptop which just conked on me last week).


Hi! I find it weird that Metro Manila is ranked among the least courteous cities in the world. Maybe thisd has something to do with the sampling method that was used.
In any case, we Filipinos here know better. And we can make a difference. Thanks to this Toblerone Thank You Day concert, we’ll be able to impart to everyone about our other values; not only courtesy.

BIG NEWS: I do know that 13 years of perfect handling and distributor by Composite enterprises corp. And recently heard it was “hijack” by Mckenzie with insider “red tape” with Kraft Philippines team to get the exclusivity of handling the products. Truth will be told, Bad Karma to those groups who want to get it and don’t even have the right experience to do so. We should boycot kraft Philippines for doing such a bad move.


Composite THANK YOU for distributing! We will continue and support with your other products!

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