Mostly Everything

Free barcodes for your blogs


Months ago, I wrote about how TMS or Tag Mobile Service tags would provide real world links to content over the Internet. When Gail and Marc did my template back in February, I gave them instructions to place a TMS tag on the upper right sidebar which is still very visible now. I did this as an experiment to see whether it would click. As of late, I do not have an educated answer to this. I observed though that the TMS methodology would work IF the technology was made available to the public, just like how anything viral would almost always work nowadays. That way, it would not remain exclusive to companies trying to do online promotions and marketing campaigns.

The old TMS barcode tag creator involved having to give your URL and waiting a few days before the developer could email you a ready made barcode. Now, all you need to do is enter your blog URL and a barcode will be generated for you in seconds. You can create your own TMS barcodes here and post them on your blog. It will allow your blog to be accessed easily via cellphone, converted automatically for mobile viewing.

Since the service is free, I would like to believe that you can create a lot of tags for your different permalinks. You can print out the tags for your podcasts, photo albums and blog and put them on your corporate header, t shirt, or business card.

Note that the service is currently on beta. You can report bugs in this post.

[image courtesy of the S60 blog]

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

9 replies on “Free barcodes for your blogs”

A scoop for the friends of Jayvee 😉
TMS republic will launch in the end of the week a mobile version of Twitter feed that you can share with friends via TMS code. before that I offer you the code to access to the TMS mobile version of you Twitter feed. TMS 612 20 46 give us your comments

could you please give me a direct download link for the barcode application cause im having a hard time downloading it on its website ( thanks and more power to you guys

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