Mostly Everything

Cebu Detention Center Inmates Do A Thriller

The inmates of the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center remake Michael Jackson’s Thriller video. Some of the many many things inmates do to occupy time.

BONUS: Take note of the guy dressed in drag.

Mostly Everything

Emergency Food Supply


Holy cow, I knew this was possible, but highly improbable — that you can actually commercially survive with $500.00 worth of food in a year. Here in the Philippines, that’s roughly P100.00 a day excluding weekends.

What you get in each bucket of Emergency Food Supply:

Basic preparation will impact the probability of your family’s survival in an emergency. Delicious and Easy to Prepare. Each bucket contains 275 servings of Pre-mixed and Pre-seasoned 100 % Vegetarian and Vitamin Fortified food for you and your family. With a 20 year long shelf life, this kit is perfect for the preparation of natural disasters such as hurricane, tornado, earthquakes or even a camping/hunting trip.

* 30 Servings – Potato Bakon (Note the “k.”)
* 25 Servings – Corn Chowder
* 25 Servings – Ala King
* 25 Servings – Cacciatore
* 25 Servings – Western Stew
* 45 Servings – Whey Milk
* 25 Servings – Blueberry Pancakes
* 25 Servings – Barley Vegetable

You can literally buy a handful of these tubs and stay in front of the computer for one whole year surviving with just $500.00. I actually found this entry after reading a bit on trimming down the clutter which eventually led me to this site.

Looks like carbo loading to me. Is this stuff even healthy? (Yeah, yeah, the tub is meant for emergency situations only … like for a nuclear fallout … ) Back here in the Philippines, I’ve seen less fortunate families of four survive with just one dollar per meal – for the entire family. But I don’t think I should draw the line of comparison there.

Mostly Everything

The Ease of Writing Resources

With a number of bloggers wanting to become more like journalists, and a number of journalists venturing into new media, the one great thing about the venturing forth into the web is how a ton of resources are now available on tips for writing better. Back in the day when the Internet consisted of a Hotmail account and IRC, the mainstream guide for writing was this book written by Zaide.

Ten years later, all I have to is open my RSS reader and see what Brian Clark and Darren Rowse are up to, among the many other bloggers who help us write better.

UPDATE Here are some suggestions for books that I know can help you in various ways with your writing skills. Feel free to contribute.


How to Write Great Copy by Dominic Gettins. I talked about this book in a previous blog post.

Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denims by David Sedaris. I always believed that the best way to learn to write better is to read more. David Sedaris is well known for his top of the line casual writing style. If you’re a fan of the Seinfeld series on television, David Sedaris makes the most mundane things interesting on paper. In this book, he talks about growing up with his Greco-American family.

Mostly Everything


Several months ago, I was having a conversation with Joey Alarilla about how the Internet and social media are causing a phenomenon which I want to call “compartmentalizing” your life.

This phenomenon is most apparent, but not limited to, bloggers who have started several niche blogs – compartmentalizing their life to food, technology, travel, politics, pets, etc. It is even almost correct to even say that the sum of these blogs equal the person.

Because the Internet is the new Forum Romanum, our lives converge in the most visible places, making what was once private, now very public. We now know what the family did for lunch, what we ate for dinner, where we went for the weekend, what we bought… all good. Very interesting. What you do with your blog is a masterpiece that no one else can copy even if you write about the same topics.

Mostly Everything

Will I Be Able To Take This–?!

So the last book of Harry Potter saga comes out today. I don’t think I’ll be able to stand trying to avoid the spoiler parade from all over the place. Maybe I should just lock myself up and finish the book in one sitting.

The problem with the household is that all of us here are readers. In the past Harry Potter reading experiences, we have three book marks present on every Harry Potter book and there has always been a three-way tug of war and spoiler alerts during dinner conversations.

I’m hoping to read the PDF version instead (some of my friends have finished the book way before release thanks to this) so that I get to have one book all to myself. It’s supposedly really fantastic.