Mostly Everything

Coming Soon: Yoga on the Nintendo Wii


Been reading a lot about the upcoming peripherals for the Wii. One such interesting product is the Wii Fit peripheral that converts your Nintendo Wii into a personal trainer. Gamespot reports:

As we saw with the Reggie, you can’t play Wii Fit without first letting the game calculate your BMI. This figure is apparently a realistic indication of fitness based on height, weight, and age. Once the game has this information, it can set goals to help you lose or gain weight and reach your optimum BMI level. [SOURCE]

The Wii Fit will be available in the US come early 2008 but will debut in Japan sometime late this year. I guess if you’re a couch potato gamer and want to really work those flabs, Wii Fit might be a good way to reach a compromise. The game also comes with some yoga exercises:


As well as “games,” the early demo build of Wii Fit includes some yoga and balance exercises. On the yoga side, you need to adopt poses such as the half moon pose, the tree pose, the single-leg stretch, and the sideways twist. The idea is to adopt the postures for as long as possible, stretching more and more as you progress. When you’re finished, you can see how well you stayed within the optimum zones with a line diagram that shows how much you shook and stayed within the parameters. On the balance front, there are two-legged and one-legged exercises, as well as an overall body test; but our limited time in the Nintendo booth prevented us from checking these out.

Hmmm, something Jane would like perhaps? I’m quite impressed with how the Wii has changed the way we play games. I’ve reorganized my room just to allow a wider space for me to play Wii Sports (I have a mean backswing!!). Next goal is a bigger television.

Wii Fit images courtesy of Gamespot

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

5 replies on “Coming Soon: Yoga on the Nintendo Wii”

Jayvee, will I be interested in the Wii or the yoga? My kids will vote Wii; me — the Wii Fit with yoga, haha.

But you know, there is nothing like a yoga teacher to correct your alignment and posture. You can’t get these from videos as you can’t check yourself always in the mirror. Just look at that guy in the pic doing the push-up. His elbows are jutting outward. The real pose should be with your elbows tightly pressed against your side.

Sobrang na-analyze na, no? Anyhoo, the earliest I can resume yoga is August due to a medical procedure I will undergo this weekend. I missed you at Portico 1771 so try to join me in our first bloggers’ yoga class, ok?

BTW, check out my yoga blog, The Yogini From Manila (just born).

[…] Conclusion So there you have it. The Nintendo Wii provides so much value for your money because it allows for a number of legacy gaming options and not to mention the actual Wii experience. Come December, Nintendo is set to release several games that will take advantage of the upcoming Wii Zapper and WiiFit yoga mat. […]

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