Stock poetry and a few words about

I used to submit poems to several years ago. Since then, the site has sort of redesigned itself into something more Web 2.0-ish but retained its slow loading speeds and hard to use navibar. They even used to invite me to buy a “Best of” book with my poems included inside, and then I realized that it was really just a marketing strategy to sell these things. All of my friends from the PH who ever contributed got that letter too. Fishy. Crafty. Potent!

Writing poetry was a hobby back in college for the sole reason that it was easier than writing a play. I guess it took me just a few minutes to write one work as compared to over 14 days to write a 30 minute play with 4 roles. From my knowledge, one page of script took up about 1 1/2 minutes of acting time.

In any case, I hope you enjoy my work. I usually don’t put titles to my poems. This would mean that the title is the first line.

There’s a crazy man knocking below
and it is not the sound he makes
that wakes the eerie feeling
inside me, rather
it is the guilt of his sins begging to be forgiven
throbbing for a recognition which even i cannot recognize.

There’s a crazy man knocking below
and to my surprise he’s nailing himself to the gallows.


I find:

that the best time to write poetry is not when I am looming or brooding
over my insanity, but during moments when i feel nothing or taste nothing,

In the same way that music is written to engage the heart and drunken the mind,
poetry is best written when the muse is still sober.

Because the act of composing a work of art is nothing more than a journey that can cause a man to lose himself into a drunken state even without the taste of alcohol.


How long does it take to write a poem —
A single poem, with some lines and freckled with a dash of wit,
a play with language that skims the brain and pricks the heart?

In truth I know this is a good question —
Because one cannot imagine how you can be so inspired to write such
beautiful words (and in some times, the ugly stays beautiful)

And my answer?
A few seconds.

A few seconds.
A few seconds is all it takes to come to an epiphany,
but between you and me
it takes a lifetime to live up your poetry.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

One reply on “Stock poetry and a few words about”

I still have to finish Stephen Fry’s book the Ode Less Travelled. Poetry is interesting. I remember doing Haikus in High School (Class requirement). My favorite though are the work Theodre Geisel or Dr Seuss. Then we really have a lot of good Tagalog Poetry. Again required during High School and College but a fun piece of learning

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