Mostly Everything

2BU: Philippine Blog Awards Call for Testimonials


It’s been several days since the Philippine Blog Awards. I’d really love to see what the winners did with their trophies 🙂 I was happily shocked too with the media coverage that came to the event. RPN 9, and D-Tour as well as some guests from the commercial publishing industry came by to witness this event and interview bloggers.

In this regard, I’m gathering testimonials from bloggers who came, saw, and blogged about the event. The best (most creative) answers will be posted on the Philippine Daily Inquirer’s 2BU section. Special thanks to Pam Pastor for supporting this.

All you need to do is answer this question by leaving a comment. Don’t forget to leave your name and blog address:

If there is one thing that I can let the world know because of my blog, (it would be) __________________ . “

Easy as pie right? What you get in return is a permanent physical world link to your blog in the dailies. This is called MEO or Media Engine Optimization, a phenomenon that utilizes mainstream media or “real world connectivity” to drive traffic to your site. Yeah right, I just made that up now!

MEO can also mean Macalua Engine Optimization, but that’s another story.

Deadline for this will be on April 11 2007.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

16 replies on “2BU: Philippine Blog Awards Call for Testimonials”

2BU: Philippine Blog Awards Call for Testimonials…

Fill in the blanks and be posted on the Philippine Daily Inquirer’s 2BU section.

If there is one thing that I can let the world know because of my blog, (it would be) __________________ . “

cool huh :)…

If there is one thing that I can let the world know because of my blog, (it would be)…

It would be my S-E-X life probably, because from the start of my blogging habits I haven’t wrote anything in my sexual inactive slash active life. Well that goes for if any people would still read my post after they discovered what happen in my sexual career during the younger years of my boring succumb life.

If there is one thing that I can let the world know because of my blog, women in their forties or even in their fifities got inspired to come out of their shell and blog to their heart’s desire . The blogosphere is not necessarily composed of the youth sector anymore with the onset of these mature bloggers.

If there is one thing that I can let the world know because of my blog, (it would be) …

…that God is a good and loving God, not the some guy up there who’s ready to strike anyone who sins with bolts of lightning. 😉 I’m not ashamed to admit that I am a Catholic blogger, and I try to make God’s beauty shine in every post I make.

If there is one thing that I can let the world know because of my blog, it would be…

…that the life of an ordinary doctor in the Philippines isn’t a glamorous life as most people think. Healthcare has suffered much in the past few years and doctors are struggling to keep their practice as honorable as they could, as well as struggle to survive as well.

If there is one thing that I can let the world know because of my blog, it would be that being a geek is actually pretty cool.

Wait… that would be, so what would mine be? I’m not sure yet – I’ll get back to you.

If there is one thing that I can let the world know because of my blog, (it would be)…

that blogging can turn unknown fresh grads, provided they blog responsibly about their interests, into respected and valued members of their profession.

If there is one thing that I can let the world know because of my blog,

…the Philippines is a like a diamond with 7107 facets. With more than a thousand ways to enjoy its beauty. For sure, you will never ran out of adventure in this beautiful country

If there is one thing I can let the world know because of my blog…

It’s that the people at Level-up actually work their butts of day and night, 7 days a week and almost 24 hours a day. Maintaining an online gaming business is never easy, and most gamers fail to realize how much work takes place behind the MMORPGs that they play.

If there is one thing that I can let the world know because of my blog, it would be that there maybe a thing or two or even more that can be said and would be said about things of this world and in particular my country. And a blog and the act of blogging enables me to do this. It may be right or it may be wrong and it might be interesting or boring but at least I have the means to post it – for those who would take the time to read it. Perhaps, the reader would find something interesting in the post – whether it be a personal chronicle of an event, something interesting and worth pointing out, and possibly a divergent or convergent opinion on an issue.

If there is one thing I can let the world know because of my blog, it would be my thoughts/views on every subject that seems to find its way into my chaotic mind. And with that, others could agree or disagree about my views. And raise their own points for an interesting argument or discussion. This leading to something productive or something destructive. But hey, that’s life! You win some, you lose some. For what it’s worth, our thoughts about so many things differ and won’t always be the same. I’m not being self-centered or conceited. My point here is this: If I share and let the world know what my views are, surely there will be comments, suggestions, and arguments that will arise. So it becomes more of a unity of views(although arguments may arise). 😀

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