Mostly Everything

The Anatomy Behind A Chris Pirillo Burp

Several hours ago, Chris Pirillo burped on YouTube. Though this type of content draws much from the common menagerie of content we find on YouTube, this is still Chris Pirillo.

Now let’s take a moment to disrupt the time-space continuum. If Leo Laporte burped, I’d watch it. If Seth Godin burped, I’d still watch. Even more yes’s to Darren Rowse or Happyslip.

Christ. We’re hooked with the mavens. With what they do, on and off their professional platforms, we’re hooked and this has nothing to do with aesthetic beauty. This has more to do with Alister Cameron’s post on the real reason why no one read’s your blog — and it has nothing to do with you, but with who you really know in the industry. So yeah, the whole mavens, connectors and salesmen thing you read from that Tipping Point book.

Chris has built himself up from Lockergnome to TechTV and has garnered the “young, hip and geeky” appeal that, for some reason is permeating the blogosphere here in the Philippines, according to Elber:

Yes, it’s time the metrosexuals moved aside and made way for the new breed of geeks: the technosexuals. Yes, I know the terms still sounds a bit odd, but according to Valleywag, that’s what Calvin Klein is calling some bloggers. That’s also how this guy describes himself.

Here are some benefits that mavens like Chris enjoy:

  • They can get away with anything. It’s like they have a way with weaving content to make it more attractive. If they were a department store, their stalls have neon lights, flags and the parking lots have valets.
  • Whatever they write (or podcast or record) about, people will reciprocate. I dunno, if I burped and YouTube’d it, who would care?
  • They have multiply broadcast streams and a steady audience. In short they have the support of the industry and it would be easy for them to mobilize it.

No, this isn’t an attack on mavenhood. It is, actually, a manifestation of my point, that when Chris burps, the world listens (but keeps their noses pinched). 🙂

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

3 replies on “The Anatomy Behind A Chris Pirillo Burp”

The real reason why nobody reads your blog is this: massively successful blogging is about establishing and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships. It’s all about who you know. Really!

I remember the first time connie of linked me. Wow results !

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