When blog posts get counterproductive

There have been two things that I’ve found to be recently disturbing.

The first was the seeming misinterpretation of my post about PWIT and Pinoy Tech Blog – as if there really was some controversy going on. My intent was to help promote PWIT as the cast and crew involves people whom I have worked with in the past – people who have helped me in my career (Howard and Adel come to mind as they taught me almost everything I know) and personal life in various ways. That was it. Help promote PWIT. And thanks to the person too who cited that the original post I made was not controversial compared to the PTB post that was picked up.

The second post hits closer to home as it involves a small misunderstanding of a post I recently deleted out of frustration. One of my closest ever friends drew plans of building a blog network composed of all-Pinoy talent. I remember we were sitting down for coffee when he was narrating his plans to me. The only question I could ask him at that time was “are you doing this for profit or for amor?” My purpose for writing that post was to help promote the network for him. Again – help promote the network. Sadly, I received comments that led to a questioning of who really founded it in the first place. Why do we have to argue about this? Aren’t we all glad that we finally have a local blog network? Why do we have to celebrate it with a debate on who owns it?

Sometimes I wonder if spreading the link love is still worth it. I know that people are entitled to their own opinions but I just hate it when things get out of hand when all you wanted to do was help.

I do apologize, really, if misunderstanding was caused – maybe it had something to do with my post “spin” and not the point of the post at all that made a difference.

Sigh. At least the traffic peaked for everyone. That’s a good thing.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

3 replies on “When blog posts get counterproductive”

The title of your post and the first line was clearly linkbait! (Right?) But the reaction on PTB did not sit that well with me—I mean, why focus on “the problem with PWiT is…”?

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